Tim Foley

"And everybody, be practicing Galaxy and My Madness at home."

This is why it drives me nuts that not a single republican who's up for reelection—aka one who matters—has had the the guts to speak out against Trump. Nobody who's voice could possibly matter to his supporters is denouncing this guy; just the liberals and Hollywood types (Meaning us) whom they despise, and dudes like

Eh, I'm more worried about him starting a civil war after he loses just to keep his own ego intact. Don't think for a second we're out of the woods if this particular schmuck loses this particular election; the damage he's done—or revealed—will be fucking with us for a long time either way.

A deacon at my Church gave a sermon today in which he delicately skirted around that problem. "As Catholics and Americans, it's our obligation to vote, for whichever candidate we believe will be the most responsible and have the most positive impact on the world, even though neither of them fully represent our

He was especially bad here, though. Far, far worse than he was at the first debate. At least then he seemed confident enough to compete with Clinton for control of the room, and they were two equally prominent voices one of which just happened to be spouting lies and hated. Here, he seemed so destroyed by all the

CNN, you say "Tomato", I say "Donald Trump just imploded onscreen and was reduced to barely coherent rambling and grunting."

“I was in D.C. on 9/11; [I saw] clouds of smoke from the Pentagon…”
“I was in Virginia. Where the Pentagon is.”

Actually, yeah. The movie did look wonderful, and the score is one of my favorite Newman scores. Aesthetically it was perfect,and even slightly risky for a PG kids/YA adaptation. The only really major problem with the film on its own is Carrey, and its problems as an adaptation have a lot more to do with its structure

And yet, so much more happens in the second half than the first half. Dammit Handler, why did you have to make this so complicated?

Yeah, it's not letting me click on any of those articles. Seriously, what is happening to this website?

Jeeze, what am I not reading right now? The Red Badge Of Courage, A Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Man, Warp, The Ocean At The End Of The Lane, Born To Run, House Of Leaves, A Swiftly Tilting Planet…. All fantastic thus far. Warp seems especially your speed; it's the first novel by Lev Grossman, whom I've never

I'm not sure what to make of the teaser Netflix just released for A Series Of Unfortunate Events. What it comes down to is this: the aspects of the two depicted characters (Lemony Snicket and a tiny bit of Count Olaf) that are showcased in the teaser work, but I will be very disappointed if they are the only aspects

That's the opposite of true.

I was just about to ask that; I thought I might be having a stroke.

D'aww, shucks. I'm actually woefully underread, so a there are a lot of books that probably would be some of my favorites if I could tear my eyes away from internet videos for a significant amount of time. Plus, I lot of my favorites aren't exactly what you would call "Unknown". Here's a few that I deeply love,

A line worthy of Bruce Willis in his prime.

I have a fondness for Burton's Sweeney Todd. It's really the last one of his films that works for me; the point when he had mastered his style enough to not let it overrun the characters but not so much that he could phone it in (Which is what he proceeded to do for the next…how long has it been, nine years?). I don't

Hey, it's Occam's birthday? Right on! Happy birthday, man!

Okay. A few months ago, I would have had no problem making a high-profile but middling-to-poor quality show like Gotham a lower priory for this site's TV viewers. But…you guys just cut a shit-ton of coverage for good shows out altogether. Basically everything that wasn't raking in views was dropped, as I understood