I'll do a Kinks list.
1. Arthur
2. This Time Tomorrow
3. Waterloo Sunset
4. Shangri-La
5. Big Sky
6. 20th Century Man
7. Days
8. Oklahoma, USA
9. Some Mother's Son
10. God's Children
I'll do a Kinks list.
1. Arthur
2. This Time Tomorrow
3. Waterloo Sunset
4. Shangri-La
5. Big Sky
6. 20th Century Man
7. Days
8. Oklahoma, USA
9. Some Mother's Son
10. God's Children
Will do! I never wanted to turn this place into a self-promotion thing, which is why I didn't brag about it before, but if you folks actually want to listen to it, I'll gladly post a link once it's out.
A scattered few, none of which I'm terribly proud of. We're about to put out an EP though, so that's cool.
We've actually played there a lot over the past year; we're a little sick of it. It's a classy hole-in-the-wall with good atmosphere and history, but it's a hole-in-the-wall nonetheless.
Oh, that's my boy.
[snarky Man of Steel reference]
I considered turning my adblock back in in protest against the downsizing of TV club, but like most of my activist impulses, I decided it wouldn't make any difference.
So, the band we opened for last night turned out to kick some major ass: https://www.youtube.com/wat…
The same way Obama was both a bumbling idiot and an evil genius. I call it "Doofenshmirtz Syndrome".
I'm far from a Cave completest (Haven't even heard the whole classic Bad Seeds run), but I'll list my favorites of what I've heard so far.
Blackstar actually isn't a terribly harrowing listen; it's more beautiful than anything else. It's the sound of a man who knows he's going, and is determined to go out with style, the same style he always had: relevant, experimental, inscrutable, enigmatic, emotive, an artist and a showman to the very end. Blackstar…
Just recently saw that with my dad, it's an awesome movie. It's strange, because even though it owes its entire existence to getting its message out and making the public understand what happened, it's still incredibly entertaining on its own. It really makes you understand that Wall Street continuing to be corrupt,…
Has anyone braved the new Nick Cave album yet? I'm…slightly frightened to listen to it.
Right on. Perhaps you are slowly becoming a friendly narwhal.
I'm a bigger fan of https://www.youtube.com/wat…
I ain't no mattress king, baby.
Is a sentence I just typed.
I haven't seen them all, but I do love it very dearly. I never thought Wes Anderson was actually full of shit, but Moonrise Kingdom is the one where that position is the easiest to defend.
Yep! Which is literally the only reason we have birthday celebrations in the first place; I'm not going rogue here.
No, Teen Titans Go! is your new favorite show. Haven't you seen the commercials? They specifically say so.
Because if something is even tenuously connected with a pre-existing franchise, it always has a built-in audience, so it's always worth investing in over a scary original idea that maybe nobody would like. What? I'm avoiding the word Jem? That ridiculous! You're avoiding the word Jem!