Timothy David Minneci

This sucks, not because he was a musician, not because he played with Dulli and various other awesome musicians, but because every interaction I've ready about the guy, from touring opening bands, to fellow musicians, to fans, say his was always generous, kind and had time for them.

My wife and I got free tickets to see The Watch. She was 8 months pregnant and we knew this would be our last night out for awhile, so we decided to go even though the reviews were bad. After a half our or so into the movie, we realized we were the only people in the theater. We started berating the film out loud, and

Liam Neeson is a Modern Day Cowboy, if you think about.

I mean after the DAPL protests, clearly it's time to add Native American's to the list of ant-American enemies that Hollywood can exploit, now that they can't make the Chinese the enemy for fear of losing funding, or the Russians for the fear of being disappeared, though we still have those go-to bad guys in the

“High Noon is one of the most iconic films of all time…so we're going shit all over it by placing it modern times and avoid all of the annoying social/political subtext like that RoboCop remake. That's really what we're going for. And boobs." - movie executive

Somewhat disagree. If you combine the albums released on major labels or distributed by majors, that's probably 2/3rds of the releases I listed, which means they got pushed to all the major radio markets, not just college, had money dumped into videos that aired once or twice on 120 Minutes and Alternative Nation, and

Wait a dang minute. Any year in which Chavez, Failure, The Afghan Whigs, Girls Against Boys, Nick Cave, Sloan, Guided by Voices, The Hellacopters, Jon Spencer, Sleater-Kinney, the Manic Street Preachers, Suede, Jawbox, Archers of Loaf, The Frames, Braid, Low, Screaming Trees, Jesus Lizard, The Wrens, Braid, Silkworm

Power-driven? A politician? Oh, the humanity (yawn).

Band of Jizz
Band of Jizz
Band of Jizz in my eyes for you
Band of Jizz
Band of Jizz
Band of Jizz-izz-izz

I was thinking to myself, what pairs well with douche-bros douchin' to the max, and then that ear-bleeding, 3rd rate Belieber, auto-toned vomit kicked in, and all was right in douche-bro land.



One of the best parts of YPAA (of which there are many) is the beginning of Stars. The guitar & vocals mixed so low, they demand you turn up the volume, so that when that drum fill comes in, it just smashes you in the face.

Good, because Travis Morrison solo is horrifying.

"The unspoken subtext: It just wasn’t good enough for us. Yet The Newsroom seems to fly in the face of this."
The Newsroom has been on for five weeks. Parks and Rec was terrible after five weeks. Now it's a critics darling and gets good ratings. Chill the eff out.

"The unspoken subtext: It just wasn’t good enough for us. Yet The Newsroom seems to fly in the face of this."
The Newsroom has been on for five weeks. Parks and Rec was terrible after five weeks. Now it's a critics darling and gets good ratings. Chill the eff out.

To quote Mr. Dulli: YEEEEEEEEAAAAGH.