
What do you actually think is happening here? Lady A, the singer, wont lose anything and Lady A, the group, doesn’t gain anything. I just don’t understand the outrage.

what makes you think they are trying to own that name outright? They just want to be able to use a name they have been using for 10 years or more without paying $10 million dollars.

What do you actually think is happening here? They are not claiming damages from Lady A, they are not asking her to stop using her name. What is a good reason why they shouldn’t have a judge make it official that they are allowed to use their own name. What is a better way to solve this? Do you think they just pay her

I think you might be confusing actors with movie stars. It’s confusing because sometimes great actors can become movie stars, but usually actors are cast to convincingly play a character, while movie stars are cast to play a version of themselves. Think of Harrison Ford and Philip Seymour Hoffman. Which is an actor

MoviePass still gets you 3 movie tickets for $10 a month. Which is a deal. The only pain now is that I have to buy a ticket for whatever random showing is available on MoviePass and then exchange the ticket for what I actually want to see. It’s inconvenient but if you buy a late ticket and trade for a matinee there is

I may have gotten off track, and didnt ever mean to say that every little detail about a movie is ruinous. Knowing that a suicide happens in this particular movie is a major spoiler, by any reasonable definition of spoiler. There’s a movie, Joshy, where a suicide takes place in the first scene. In that case, it

No! But this is perfect! This is exactly what it should be, glad this exists. This is a great resource for people who get triggered by all sorts of things. Suicide is one of many potentially triggering ideas and themes in this film. 

I’ve never asked for money back for guessing the end, but the theatre owner never ran into the theatre and shouted “OH BTW, There’s a suicide in there somewhere! ENJOY!” If that happened I definitely would. I do value a virginal experience, and don’t want to take that from other people, but if people have certain

Most people, whether they know it or not what, want to watch a movie as intended by the creator. Do you really think its appropriate to add third party edits to a piece of work to make it palatable for a wider audience. A fig leaf doesn’t necessarily ruin a painting of a fig tree, but if placed in the wrong context cou

It’s definitely a spoiler in any sense traditional or otherwise. It’s also not how the movie was designed to be watched. If director or the producer or screenwriter wants me to know to look out for a suicide thats different than some theatre owner adding their own little accent to the experience. Like I said Spoiler

Its anything but a minor spoiler, its the whole movie. If you know there will be a suicide from the beginning of the movie, it will spoil the reveal during the first hint at it. Why shouldn’t people who are susceptible to being severely triggered or by graphic depictions of human life events take it upon themselves

Bro the entire episode was a Woody Allen reference