
I really think this is a bad reading. The show's already developed a pee theme with the parolees. Sy, although terrified by the gun-toting thugs, could barely swallow the stuff. He nearly has a psychotic break over it, talking nonsense later about unreality. After the incident the camera shows the mug, still a little

I mean, it was developed for that purpose, and standardized by MPEG in the 90s, so "for 20 years now" is one possible answer to your question. Some people believe AAC is an Apple thing though, partly because it starts with the letter A, partly because it was used for the iTunes Music Store.

I think having sympathy for Phillip is a different kind of thing than sympathy for Walt. (BB spoilers) sort of the point of Breaking Bad is that Walt is nothing more than a nihilistic force of self-aggrandizement and destruction, with the "money for cancer treatment" excuse revealed as a farce early on.

I suspect the physical buildings aren't, in general, actually well-built enough to survive to their "historic" age.

The real story here is whether anyone can tell whether the argument about whether this (obviously-rendered) person is real or not is real or not.

You misread his comment, though. He didn't say NeXT was dumb, he said it was dumb to suggest that the characters are going to do "something similar" to what NeXT did, which is indeed an absurd statement. NeXT made those magnesium cube computers that the show has mentioned about 50 times now; new-Mutiny is going to be

Yeah, and, also, if they had read the manual for Super Mario Bros., they would have learned two things.

Why not? In cases where VERY large lenses are used, the lens is typically mounted on the tripod with the camera hanging off the back. It's not like it's going to hurt the mount.

All of her movements this episode were amazing. I had to blink strategically to avoid missing any eyebrow quivers.

There's not really a "right" or "wrong" white balance, but if you want to get particular the screens are usually too blue by default.

Your version doesn't make comedic sense… the joke works because the grammar is a little off/unexpected.

On one hand I'd assume you would know, but never assume anything on the Internet and all, so I'll mention that Fallen London is in the same world as Sunless Sea.

Well, also, later, (spoilers I guess if we're doing that), someone with very good knowledge of Kilgrave's powers issues a warning to not even look at him.

I'm not 100% sure whether this makes sense, but I think snipping the wire is the payoff from Kilgrave writing "HELP ME" on the wall of the cell. Since his power is an airborne virus, Hogarth was exposed when she briefly opened the door. After that she would be "helping" Kilgrave according to her own best

Yeah, came in here to say that. I don't know if this was planned from the beginning, but going back to the first season there was a sort of mystery about whether Joe was being sold as some sort of Steve Jobs, or maybe a Michael Dell, but Joe MacMillan = John McAfee makes a huge amount of sense. Anyone remember this? ht

There's a funny interaction between Hearthstone's free-to-play mechanics and its ranking system that I think most people don't put much thought into.
Since you'll be matched against players of an equivalent rank (if you play ranked) or an equivalent invisible rank (if you play casual) you'll probably win about half

Honestly I think the idea that the show has been "trying" for a "sophisticated, mature drama" is a mistaken impression. This show wants to throw "sophisticated" in our face. I've been on board with that interpretation since episode 2, and I think the problem is that AMC doesn't know how to advertise a