Timothy Janssen

Well, since no one else has posted it yet:

Like, I want Medicare for all as much as anyone. But that savings comes largely from the virtual elimination of the health insurance industry and a huge reduction in the profitability of the pharmaceutical industry. I know I’m a cynical old grump, but I would imagine our Corporate Overlords would straight up keep us

Ajit Pai is a smug little prick who can eat a bag of dicks and choke to death. He hates anything that isn’t “free market” and has no regard for fairness or the needs of anyone who isn’t a well educated corporate shill. I want to smash his stupid giant coffee mug in his face.

I mean sure, he has to stay somwhere before he’s forced to fight ravenous beasts in a colosseum with nothing but a dull spoon to defend himself

Jacksonville, Denver, and Houston, in particular, are three teams with playoff-caliber rosters and flaming piles of shit at the starting QB position. It’s unconscionable that none of the three have even brought him in for a workout.
