
Yayoi is too poor to be Tony's daughter.

EDIT: I must have been high when I wrote that last post. The roles line up perfectly with who they sang with. Blonde KB singing opposite Elphaba would be Galinda, brunette AK47 sings Idina's part of For Good.

Anyway this is an old post and no one will see it.


Now playing

After watching Frozen and the above clip, I'm convinced that they could make a film adaption with Kristen Bell and Anna Kendrick as the leads (yes, I realize the roles are reversed with Frozen having KB singing opposite Elphaba and AK47 singing opposite Galinda).

That's interesting, from people I talk to about it, FFIX is a retro throwback to the pre-Nomura games with its more lighthearted adventure theme and constant nods to older games in the franchise (elemental Fiends, Garlond, etc.). I know people (myself included) that weren't entirely happy with VII and VIII and loved

Serious question: was VII your first Final Fantasy? Because that's a fairly common sentiment among that crowd.

What about the simplified game play? I can live with the redone graphics if the game still plays the way it should.

Pretty clear where they got that Moogle armor idea from.

I appreciate the fact that the Avengers recruitment poster has Samuel L. Fury and Son of Coul, but it still has brown-skinned Maria Hill.


Tis but a scratch.

Now playing

Guile's theme thread? Guile's theme thread.

Geeked out so hard. Bad 90's mullet Supes and the Red/Blue Supes that DC seems to actively avoid acknowledging.

Seeing DCAU Superman alongside Kingdom Come Superman made me so incredibly nerd happy.

Please include a "classic" mode so you can fight as much as you want and enjoy the game for what it is: a grindy JRPG with a great story and music.

Please don't oversimplify my favorite game.

Just wait until Mewtwo's TRUE final form is revealed in Pokemon Z.

I too had an awesome weekend. Went from 10-25 on LNC. The instanced dungeons are so fun! I REALLY wanted to hit 30 so I could DRG it up, but I also need to get MRD up as well. Loving this game.