
That's some Akira Yuki Virtua Fighter action right there.

Did you see her in Gokaiger? Still really hot and can throw down.

Locally grown butter lettuce.



Wasn't the whole reason that MGS4 was so huge because the audio was in FLAC? Just compress the sound. Boom.

FFVII was Baby's First JRPG for most Final Fantasy fans, which is a shame. VI and IV will always be my favorites.

I didn't buy either PS3 or 360 until years into their respective life cycles, this new generation will be no different. The PS4 reveal didn't impress me at all and the early reports of everything about Durango720 are pretty much the same.

The deal breaker will be THE GAMES. I'm not in this for the new media sharing,

Release them on Android. I'd buy the shit out of them.

How did this game get a sequel?

Plot twist: David Hayter won't be returning to re-record his dialog so the old Solid Snake voice lines up with the new one.

Now playing

No love for METAL WARRIORS for the SNES? This game blew my mind when I was a kid. That opening cinematic? Chills.

Are you talking about Clash of the Bionoids? It helps going in that DYRL is supposed to be a movie retelling in-universe, as convoluted as that sounds.

Tony Stark

I thought ACIII was getting universally high reviews? No one figured out they didn't like it until months later?

I was expecting Phil LaMarr.

Need to step up your moegame, son.

Oh good, they're basing the next AC game on my least favorite part of ACIII - the boat stuff.