Devil May Cry HD collection 15.99 shipped on Newegg:
Devil May Cry HD collection 15.99 shipped on Newegg:
The game was cancelled. Nintendo funded it and has every right to publish it as an exclusive.
Pretty sure that's the first kimura I've ever seen in a fighting game (not counting actual MMA titles).
Does it play Japanese import DS games? I can still play Ouendan on my first gen 3DS, but I wasn't sure if they threw in some cooky region lock on the XL.
No mention of this being a port of the DS version that came out years ago?
Here's to hoping THE IDOLM@STER shows up somehow.
This looks pretty much EXACTLY like the Dark Knight Returns segment they did on the B:TAS way back when. I only wish they got Michael Ironside to reprise the old Batman role.
Still no online co-op story mode.
So... wait for the game of the year edition that has all the DLC included?
I'm only replying because I noticed the Niseimonogatari toothbrush scene in your avatar.
I'm just pissed because Kotaku and other sources were saying that Nintendo confirmed they're not working on a 3DS upgrade, but working on the next generation of handhelds. So I went out and bought a 3DS this week since Theatrhythm is coming out soon. Now not six days later I found out something better is coming.
LOL 3 cookies for a serving. Right...
I'd buy one for consoles, should a thing exist.
Breast Cancer awareness month is October. I lost my mom to Breast Cancer in October. Her birthday is in October. I think wearing pink / supporting BC research for one month of the year is the least people can do. Frankly, showing scars and telling horror stories is all shock tactics. I don't want to scare or guilt…
Yeah, Vengeance was ok. After Andy passed, I was worried that the new guy wouldn't be able to handle the role as well, but he did fine.
Well Storm of Swords is getting split into two seasons, so that should buy some time.
Thanks Crazy Uncle Nic! I want to print this and put it up at work, but people will get mad at that spelling error >.<
detach stick. detach all but two buttons. you now have the perfect controller for DIVE KICK.
I want to play, but no online co-op is just killer. It was such an awesome part about the first one. I wonder how many sales they've lost because of this? I can't be the only one...
We need a gif of PODERICK FUCKING PAYNE saving the day.