
Thanks Crazy Uncle Nic! I want to print this and put it up at work, but people will get mad at that spelling error >.<

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detach stick. detach all but two buttons. you now have the perfect controller for DIVE KICK.

I want to play, but no online co-op is just killer. It was such an awesome part about the first one. I wonder how many sales they've lost because of this? I can't be the only one...

We need a gif of PODERICK FUCKING PAYNE saving the day.

Keep in mind it's a definite reboot and you have to discard all prior knowledge of the franchise to really enjoy it. The voice acting is great, and the story is pretty good. The gameplay is slightly God of War-ish, but I actually like it better. There's one part where the fixed camera angle led me with absolutely no

Harada: "the characters and their move sets as chess pieces – they are essential items necessary in the game and we would never sell any of those individually."

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I thought this was just a joke Max put up...

Driver's License Piccolo.

Seaworth sure as hell better taste like onion.

Yes. Because single player certainly killed Skyrim.


Don't forget Madden.

I'd rather see something more like the DS FFIV remake. Rebuilt from the ground up with voice acting.

Terra/Tina Branford is the representative for VI, so she's the sticker. Sixth sticker in (go figure!) between Bartz and Cloud, second row.

Remember CvS2 where Chang and Choi were basically one character? Tyrion/Bronn would be the same way.

the guy got fired and beat up his wife. then he got fired and he did it again. he got drunk and had an affair. I felt bad for the wife, but the husband was completely unsympathetic.

I hate this song so much. It's a good song, but easily the most overplayed from the entire franchise - and that includes Prelude and the Theme of Final Fantasy.

Seemed appropriate.

"Here's your change, five dollars."