
I was pulled over in NJ for having illegal window tint on a PA registered and inspected vehicle. Its bullshit

I’ve been using it for years and I still have my head. My eye doctor and allergist were going back and forth on how the steroid nature of Flonase will hasten cataracts. My allergist said, “No way.” And, while I do have mild cataracts, they are age-related and no worse because of Flonase.

I don’t think I’ve met a single person who is not bothered in some way by tree and grass pollen (the biggest hitters). Then there’s outdoor (and indoor mold). Maybe they don’t check for that since it’s so ubiquitous. I don’t have “official” allergies ether, but these three seem to affect nearly everyone.

Allergy tests are on specific allergens - that’s why there are so many needle marks. It may be that you have a more ‘exotic’ allergy - perhaps an allergy to something that is common to your area but does not commonly cause allergies?

sorry to hear about your situation. on the plus side it’s made me feel a little better about being single still.

i was curious about stats so i looked it up as it seemed women tend to give up more than men. Found this pretty fast.

Haha. Yeah, I am with you on that one and wish that I could find a true sports sedan without a fancy badge on the front but there really aren’t any options out there. That is, until the Kia Stinger Gt comes out - while it is a bit on the larger side for me, I really like the idea of a RWD sports sedan with a TT V6 and

And the X1 is killing it here, at least in the NYC and DC areas where I spend most of my time. I am in the market to get my wife a new SUV, specifically from a luxury brand (because she likes fancy lables) and my father in law suggested the X1 and I politely declined. I mean, we don’t work as hard as we do to drive a

I mean it’s not a slow car per se, it’s still mid 5 to 60 and 14 ticks in quarter. But compared to the Q50 3.7 and especially the new 3.0T 300/400hp motors, powertrain is a bit stale. Gorgeous car in and out though. The only one that really gets the new grill/lights right other than the new LC500. The nice thing is

This breaks my heart. I have 2 GS 350s, a 2013 and a 2014 F-Sport for the wifey. This car hits my three most important points for buying cars, reliability, reliability and did I say reliability...with a bit of style. Its not as sexy as a 5-Series, E-class or A6, but I will be driving these babies 4-6 years without a

You too man. Best of luck and prayers that maybe things turn around (for both of us!)

people give up way too easily at everything these days.

Sounds like you’ve made some decisions! You can still be a huge part of your children’s lives. Just don’t move too far away :>)

I’m in a very similar boat TimG. I feel your pain. Seven years, two kids and a big house, taking care of her while she fled one career and trained and moved into another. Then she decides she’s not happy with me and the life we have despite having just about everything we always said we wanted. WTF. That’s been almost

My problem is I hate the city I live in. Which means I don’t want to go out and meet people. It’s really taking its toll, to be honest. I’m in a bad mood, always tired, gained weight, etc.

That sounds awesome. I’d love to hear your thoughts at the 75k, 100k, 125k mile marks. I lust after this, but am concerned about how much money you have to sink into it over a car’s lifetime.

The biggest hurdle to overcome medical costs is getting providers to share what they charge. Call your doctor’s office, or a specialists office, and ask how much procedures and appointments will cost. Good luck getting a straight answer. They’ll tell you what your co-pay will be, and maybe you’ll be able to get the

Well the AARP just came out against the replacement bill. And one thing old people do is vote; so hopefully, this convinces at least 3 Republican senators to back away from this dumpster-fire of a bill.