
Ultra Quattro... called such because the market focus groups taught Audi thatnobody would buy “Shadow Of Its Former Glory” Quattro.

Eh, I’d hardly consider something over $10k to be cheap. A truly cheap car is one that’s $5000 and below. Aka every car in my garage right now (2003 BMW X5 4.6 purchased for $3700 and 2000 BMW 540i Touring purchased for $5000).

If at all possible, use Jameson’s - AND ONLY JAMESON’S - for Irish coffee. A bottle isn’t that spendy, especially now, around the holidays (booze always goes on sale in December for Chrismukkwanzaa and New Year’s).

Thank you! I get irked by the comments that always follow posts like this. Do the IT savvy truly think they’re the only people who get hit up for free professional services in social settings. Let me educate you:

I know around 30% of the words you guys are saying.

THANK YOU. Going through a breakup, the moving truck is literally coming to take my things out of our home on Dec. 19 - This playlist might just get me through the holidays...

While I’m going to be soul-crushingly single this holiday season, the silver-lining is the fact that I finally got the courage to call her on her bullsh*t. That, of course, was met with stubborn dismissiveness which I’ve come to learn is usually what happens when someone’s bluff is called. But once I did so, I

My 10th year post D and I’m happy she’s gone. Such a completely detestable person. My daughter lives with me full time which is great but...

First Christmas single after 22 years of marriage, and I don’t drink and am spending it with my parents. Gonna be a fun time folks.

The only coping strategy I need this year, thanks. Please send more.

Probably okay but if your pump lasts more than 4 hours after a workout then you should see a doctore

That sort of reasoning is why no one on the internet knows the difference between your and you’re.


Two tours in Iraq (three if you count the first Gulf War) and I can’t remember ever saying to myself: “Hey, you know what would be great right about now? Less door and a cloth roof.”

“Even with the stock 4spd ZF auto trans”

This isn’t some 8-10-year-old luxury car with high miles that is about three months away from annihilating your savings account.