
Diesel actually has an active lucrative career (he's now got two blockbuster franchises running right now), so no reason to stoop to the AARP Old-Timers Game yet, and Bruce Willis is on-the-record saying he's over dumb action movies ("Explosions bore me", he said in one interview), and tried for a $4 million-for-four

True but the coastals rival Europe for a bit. Also worth noting is lack of events. Look at your standard US tour and you'll see 20 dates on a given coast. In Europe you are lucky if a tour has 20 dates period.

In eastern bloc countries? Possibly, but we are talking about Germany here. You can't get much more regulated than that. :D Other than maybe Nordics. Germany in general tend to have the biggest crowds as the largest western EU country and because of its position in Europe. Why you got events like Rock am Ring with all

Willis apparently wanted $4 million.

one of the reasons is that there tends to be a single large event in many genres. Much fewer people vying for the same dollar

Interesting observation. The big difference there is that you have players with legitimate leverage involved, if they take a similar stand people will actually notice and FIFA will be under the gun.

Damn, I was just about to say that. I was in high school marching band (I intentionally picked a college with no football team so as to not march) and I loathed turf for marching. You just could not effectively glide step or turn on the balls of your feet on it.

You guys are all missing the point here: Blatter's doing this not because he's a big believer in artificial turf but because the next World Cup is in Russia where due to the weather, many of the teams there play on artificial turf. Just like with the NFL or any big corporation/organization: there's a hidden agenda.

If you were on the ground that much and losing that much skin over it while in band, then I think you were doing something wrong.

Yoshida added that the game has been "totally re-engineered." According to him, "They're still working on it. I've been seeing the progress."

Except it's not. The character can move around the screen, but otherwise are locked in space. You can move around the map in an over the shoulder shooter.

i actually did with my last job. where i live, is not like in say USA or some other place that gamming is getting look in a better way. here is kinda hard to find people that says that playing game helps you somehow, anyway i put on my resume that i played World of Warcraft and League of legends. i also said im a real

I was once told that I was the number 2 candidate for a job, but they went with the other guy because he had played more WoW than me.

That said, the company was Blizzard and the project was Hearthstone, so they might have had a point.

If I came across someone listing gaming as a hobby, I'd flat out call them in for an interview. Unless they're complete asshats or morons, I'd give them a chance. I can teach anyone how to do my job. I can't teach them how to fit in.

I think the biggest problem with putting gaming 'experiences' on a resume is that it still doesn't separate you from any other Joe. Just because one person is a guild leader, so can 30 other applicants. There is no 'bar system' to prove that you've taken tangible 'skills' from the game, but only that you were probably

I want to point out that some company's would like that you can rally 100-200 people and are able to organize and work in large teams. Not all games are as silly and pointless as clash of clans or angry birds or even call of duty multyplayer. The main point I see here is if its not something that you can make an

Mentioning my 25 years of Dungeon Mastering got me a job in management.

Unofficial just means its not run by the people who own Minecraft. Power Rangers has Power Morphicon since 2007 which is an independent convention. Though Saban currently supports it and has can a booth at the con but they don't run any part of it. Theres a similar con in the UK run by different people that Saban has

In general I think there's still too much stigma surrounding gaming for it to receive wide acceptance in most areas of corporate America. I certainly wish it were different and there's always the one off success here and there, but it seems the guy who puts that he manages his team bowling league is still far better