What would make you guys follow someone now? Do you have any advice for posters stuck in the grey?
What would make you guys follow someone now? Do you have any advice for posters stuck in the grey?
As much as fans felt they sand bagged them by taking team fortress and completely flipping it, I think its for the best. Theres no way TF2 would have been able to keep pace and develop as the gaming landscape changed. It would have just become another call of duty/battlefield game.
Soda cup filled with honey mustard.
The point is that its a reboot. WoW has big name recognition, but it also has a huge stigma. Rebooting would get some well needed hype, new players, and old players who think the game sucks now might be more willing to play a new game where they don't feel like they wasted so much time getting tier gear in vanilla. As…
Tom Ley, this is a fantastic article, I love your writing style, am a huge fan. I am positive that you are one of the best people around.
And bouncing...
Uh, if you're trying to lose weight and not get drunk, don't drink alcohol? If you're trying to get drunk and lose weight, then that advice is pretty useless.
Yes. They spread to try to make jezebel seem like hypocrites.
The people you need to ban are the people who don't sign up with their social media account,.. And tracking IP's is useless, its incredibly easy to change your IP.
At pax east this year, I was at the Mega 64 Panel, and some nerdy girl asked them what they thought about "Fake Girl Gamers"
They tried to frame jezebel for retaliating.
Apparently minecraft conventions are now becoming pretty effective cons. I mean, its a perfect storm of obsessive children, clueless parents and internet money. Pretty disgusting. At least bronies and tumblrites should know better.
Filled with children. Theres a great Q&A video from another con thats just kids asking terrible questions.
Burner accounts had nothing to do with this.
Um the person(s) who did this don't give a shit about gawker, they care about jezebel . They tried to frame jezebel for retaliating. Theres no way this person(s) would get the same kicks posting gore on deadspin as jezebel.
Theres really no debate in the weirdo/odd argument. You can angrily yell out "YOU'RE A FUCKING WEIRDO" but not "YOU'RE FUCKING ODD"
Exactly. And its not like they have any advantage to not making her feel unwelcome... I see a lot of fans booing, players talking shit and arena announcers bringing unwanted attention when she's in the house.
I don't get why she would even want to go. The players hate you, the fans hate you, and everyone you bring is going to only be thinking "What is wrong with this lady?" I wouldn't be surprised if they announced she was there and played the imperial march in the arena.
Yeah this made no sense to me. Why would you need to have partial ownership of a team that the NBA doesn't want you to, after you just got 2 BILLION dollars? Its like cashing in a powerball ticket and asking the clerk for a ride home.
You're right, I saw a conflicting source and just used that.