
Oh, I don’t keep on a first name basis with those types. If that’s your thing then Deadspin is perfect for you.

I love Deadspin. Anytime something like this happens there’s a race to see who is more outraged in the comments. It’s one-upsmanship of the super empathizers. It’s really pathetic. Just like when Prince died and everyone competed to show who was the most upset. “I heard he died and I literally broke down crying.” “OH

Hating white people won’t make you relevant Barry. You don’t have the literary chops to get clicks without cheap baiting.

Is Dennis the Joe to Tom’s Jerry?

Dude, you’re posting on Deadspin. Tom Ley has done worse things today than Sandusky did in 60 years. Not to mention the systematic rape of the English language perpetrated by Samer.

I gotta say, it’s strange to see such outrage in the comments here. Most of you are Deadspin sycophants and Deadspin is nothing if not a group of men who love young boy. I’m not calling Tim, Tom, Samer, etc. child molesters but I am saying that they’re practicers of deviant sexual practices that often involve kids.