Timmy FayFay

Goddam, you can barely look at Catherine Zeta-Jones in Mask of Zorro. It's like staring into the eyes of god.

Haha, there is an unusual amount of spinning in that movie. I can't unsee it now.

Funny that they're actually going back to this strategy for Suicide Squad, with an album full of somewhat disparate material that may or may not end up in the movie. Kind of a retro, fun idea.

Patrick Malahide (who actually plays Balon) has similarly turned up in a lot of genre shit, including (and I'm sure he's very proud of this) Cutthroat Island.

No, thank you.

I tend to lump you in with assholes.

I don't think the way Azeem is treated in the movie is racist - but the Arabs in the opening scene fall into a lot of outmoded, ugly stereotypes: dirty, violent, barbaric, saying "Allah" a lot. They're also all white guys in turbans. It's a pretty embarrassing watch. Especially since historically Saladin was generally

Well, of course there was some rape, but it wasn't smiled upon. Kind of like now, for the most part.

Yeah, it was Sheriff as good guy, solving crimes with medieval forensics. Definitely original, but not immediately compelling. Still, there's no question that Crow's movie was totally worthless.

Also, his turkey neck.

My read was she falls for him after she sees how nice he's being to all of the peasants. But as this article mentioned, his chance of heart in re: peasants is completely unmotivated (especially since he was still being a dick a few scenes ago), so the whole thing just feels forced.

After Sandy Hook, I skipped "I Kill Children" by the Dead Kennedys every time it came on my iPhone shuffle for a few months. Made me feel icky, even though it's satire. Guess I'm a lemming.

I thought that when I saw Drowning Pool. "Finally, we can say no to all these 14-year-old fuckheads!"

There's a classic rock station in CT that I swear to god only plays 9 songs. That's apparently just enough to make you think you didn't hear the song an hour ago. For some reason, Red Hot Love made the cut.

Any excuse to skip playing POD is fine by me.

Then you may very well be one of the fans I'm talking about.

This is very true. They'd have more of a backbone too if filmmakers had a vision, and weren't just waiting around to be handed some tired franchise to run into the ground.

Honestly, I kinda feel like the fans fucked this one up. If everyone hadn't bitched about stupid stuff, like Doom's name (let's face it, the name "Victor Von Doom" is fucking dumb), then maybe the 11th hour, tired and unoriginal reshoots wouldn't have turned the movie into a hatchet job. Though, to be fair, it sounds

I would argue that "Binding Arbitration" was a better Silicon Valley episode. The intro to the lawyer (NOT attorney) was genius, that character was an excellent addition overall, and Bachmann's meltdown was perfection.

Why don't you ask Congressional Republicans?