Lloyd Christmas

And he saw the van, and when he had given thanks, he bought it and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body-on-frame, which is given for you. Drive this in remembrance of me.”

lol... we have those things over here in the netherlands (well... ours are netted for extra satisfaction)

Sure there is, it’s called “Apple Maps.”

3 winners.


Congratulations, Mr. Drakkon - you guys are cool, Mr. Bergh223, and Mr. Mustang Crowd Hunter Edition, on COTD! My award to you is a NASCAR Ford which this lovely lady will deliver as soon as she finds some tape.


Wood you tree quit making these branch of jokes. Only comedians maple off puns and be funny.

hope she is oaky?

good thing the brakes were able to rain in the car, even if it was just a little.

These puns have me weeping. Willow stop it?

There is knot much more that she could have done to stop. Good work, and hope she is oak.

That would leaf a stain if your pants.

76 years old and going out in a high speed crash in a muscle car. I can think of worse ways to sign off.

Agree. Also erodes your (Jalopnik’s) credibility as a news outlet.

I don’t have IT looking over my shoulder, I’m far from a prude, and I’ve been known to cuss like a sailor, but it bothered me as well. It just adds nothing. “Honda admits they screwed up.” “Honda admits they lost their way.” “Honda aims to find their mojo.” Any of those, and dozens others, work just fine, and

I could do without all the f-bombs. Way overused and completely unnecessary. I have a nephew that is a complete Jalop, but I will never recommend Jalopnik to him because of the language used by staff and in the comments. A good writer can be interesting, engaging and edgy without profanity. I’m not asking for Peter

Those are really cool maps

Well I will send an email to Ford to cancel the whole project then. “Scrap it, boys. There’s a guy on the internet who only hauls stuff in his 2WD speed bump scraper, so no need for the Raptor.”