Tim Lieder

Speaking of rolling along, who the hell is the guy in the hood just sitting in the boat when Jon Snow runs in? He's just sitting there doing nothing. I kept thinking he was going to turn into ice zombie, but nope, he's just a dude who likes sitting in boats.

That comes with the Attack of the Clones when all hope that there would be anything good coming out of the Star Wars franchise died.

You do realize that just because SOME celebrities are evil shitbags that doesn't mean they all are. Just like people. Maybe you should work on your standards for yourself and allow others to be humans.

Well one bit of the Mance truther is the fact that it's NOT the actor playing Mance who talked about being disappointed that he was killed off earlier than in the books.

Oh great. Now I know there's a dead dog. so much for the rest of the movie.

Is this your version of First?

Poor Bobby. He should be a teenager by now and he's still an 8 year old boy. And no one even cares.

Don't you read Natural News on a daily basis to learn that the Monsanto shills are trying to deprive Dr. Oz of his college job when all he did was to push crap.

If Neil Young says so then no probably not.

Oops. Sorry about that. Wrong movie. Yeah Invader Zim did a great takedown of that ending - as did LXG 2

So he's autistic.

So you're just being a cynical bastard.

YOu would be wrong.

I love that ending. It is a mixture of sentiment and raw pain that usually only Soderbergh can achieve with his "happy" songs (which in context are pretty fucking miserable - love songs to Jody Foster by John Hinkley, pledges of protection by kids who are going to get the protagonist killed, hopeful songs sung after

Naomi Klein and Arundati Roy are also thinkers for lefties who want to condemn capitalist and western beliefs. Truly a bunch of nothing.

Most influential thinkers if you're a college freshman who just got your first Noam Chomsky book.

Amazing how much white musicians can get away with bullshit all the time. But Kanye acts eccentric and the haters come out in droves. I guess he's too uppity for them.

I got confused and thought that Russell Brand was making a hip hop musical.

Damn Sharculese, there's just no pleasing you.

Maybe that's just you. I was born before the embassy fell and I really don't give a fuck about Vietnam. Sure, it would have been nice if the experts knew enough basic Asian history to know that the Viet Cong were NOT puppets of the Chinese Communists and hated the Chinese Communists as much as we did, but then again,