
I'd have to say you hit the nail on the head for a lot of people out there.

"Most" people are still not tech savy enough to be worried about it. The impact of a few(compared to the many more that don't or choose to do nothing) is very small in the advertising world. It's all based on huge numbers, the more numbers the better. Boycotts just don't work any more, there are to many users, and no

Why should the Officer use physical force at the risk of getting harmed himself? The Tazer is a approved NON-Lethal weapon. The 2 Citizens where in the act of unlawful activity. The offer put a end to it the best way he could have. Though I would have liked to see him dual wielding tazers and getting both of them. I

Can you please taze the guy talking? The people where assaulting each other, a good taze was in order.

I feel the same way! This post did not bring up how those same individuals react to those insults in person vs online. If they are the same, then that's a good thing!

How about we require them to produce the product that has been patented in at least prototype form(say at least a year after file?) that functions as the patent describes. This way it will prove that it's not just a shot in the dark, and that the innovation is real and not just a move to generally patent a idea that

When I was in Vegas for the first time, and asked for a Yuengling, I was very surprised to hear that they had never heard of it! It's only the OLDEST Brewery in America! Give me a break.

Your not supposed to use Q-Tips to clean your ear canal. The use of Q-tips is contraindicated because it impacts the wax against your ear drums till it builds up a plug that later needs to be flushed out by a ENT. I'm a Medical Assistant, you have no idea how many disgusting ears I have cleaned out because people use

Safari Upload Enabler lets you upload files with iFile, or access your photo's directly from the Photo Role.

They have been doing this for a while now....

And its very buggy! I had to switch back to the iPhone app because many functions where simply impossible! With a few jailbreaking tricks, I can upload pictures to facebook from the brower just fine, the only thing missing is chat...which is not a hard thing to miss...

/me waits for a leak to be posted on the internet containing internal documents and emails from the SFPD. I'm sure anonymous has there APPLE fan boys that would be interested in know how it actually played out internally.

I still can't figure out this dumb sidebar view. Where the heck are the Apps listed? Why the heck are they not listed in the post? This makes no sense. What a Mess.

Excuses. The user experience is inferior to that of the competition. It's worth very little in comparison due to these issues. HP's and Palms lack of ability leave little to be desired on their support of the ecosystem they tried/are trying to build. While I am glad they tried to compete and introduce new ideas, the

I must have gotten a defective unit then? The unit has locked up and completely frozen 3 times in the last week. EverNote is not even available, and the evernote website does not work well at all with the browser. Flash is almost useless on all the websites that I have visited(except on advertisements). The brightness

This does not work. I got the card in the mail today and the original iPhone 4 back will not close with the card in place. FAIL.

What part is Inaccurate?

It's what the JooJoo(CrunchPad) was supposed to be! a $100 Tablet that was just a internet web browsing tablet. I got one of the 32GB ones, and I can tell you that's just about all it's good for. The software(or hardware?) is very buggy, though they have some good ideas. $100 bucks is a great deal, though I would have

But then again, if they would have just shrugged it off, it would have come, and gone. Now there is a Giz post about it. I'm sure she blew it up into a bigger issue and it went much farther then just a tweet. I'm just trying to say that its better to take a punch some times, rather then fight back. Because some times

But that's no different then writing a negative review. The guy that read the bad tweet should have asked her how they can serve her better, or what made her feel that way about the bartender, so that they can fix it, and give her better service. It's called customer service, they had none.