
If the person called the bartender a jackoff to his/her face it would be uncalled-for because you are looking to incite a incident. If you post something like that of twitter, it's understood that the bartender who is actively working, and the one you are referring to is not going to check that tweet while he is

Once someone is placed in jail, they are no longer entitled the same rights as a free citizen. They have waved the rights given to them by committing what ever crimes that landed them in jail in the first place. I don't feel bad that they can't update there facebook while serving their time. Jail is meant to separate

Where is the source for this story? I don't see a link....

I think it's fine...Though they could have highlighted some more things that you can do with a google account rather then just call and video chat.

What I don't understand is, why didn't Comcast just charge him a overage fee instead of shutting down his service? Keeping him as a customer and charging him extra for his extra usage seams like a better business plan, rather then cutting him off completely.

Here's what I think Apple should do with the next iPhone. Don't release the new one this September. Announce that the iPhone 4 will be continued to be sold. For FREE on contract. While some Android phones spec's may be progressing faster and leaving the iPhone 4's feeling a little dated, it(the iPhone) still runs

Why are they not wearing eye protection?

This is more than a few years old....

....This is more then a few years old....

Just because you have no need for one, does not mean other people do not. What I would do to have a active Pen on my iPad. It is great for text notes in class(the touch screen keyboard), but in Chem or math where you need some notation thats really hard to describe with a keyboard...having the ability to annotate is

The complete spider holster system comes with a plate for the more "heavy duty" DSLR's, that same plate can be used to mount the camera to a tripod with-out removing the spider adapter from the camera...I have the first gen spider holster system, and I love it.

The guy in Uniform is on facebook updating his status: Take that Suckas'!

Yes, you will loose that functionality with your ported number. For you to get a MMS or send a MMS you will have to use your "real" number. If someone try's to send you a MMS to your google number, you will never know it, because you will get nothing. I don't know what it's like for Android, but I know with my Iphone

I thought I remembered this video from a while ago...there was a "making of video" but I can't seam to find it.

So in doing the math, Sprint has 18% market share. Seams pretty small....Sprint who? lol

To be fair, ATT now gives you an additional 2GB's with the tethering plan. Previously it was $20 on top of the $25 you paid for 2GB, and you got no extra data. So with the overage charge being $10 per GB, you're basically paying for 2GB of data overage upfront to get tethering(4GB total). Which most people will need

If you run into problems installing keyloggers because of anti-virus software, you can always use a Hardware keylogger. I have one installed on my computer that only I can access, its mostly for history purposes if I ever forget a password, or something I know I typed out. Then I can simply search the text document.