
Thanks for this really interesting post & perspective. I hope the show addresses this with the nuance it deserves.

I totally thought this, too! Part of me wonders if it was intentionally meta, because it was sooo close to the Draper quote.

Watch out for Abu Nazir!

Best man or GTFO.

If Abblesauze is the last Schmidt-ism we ever hear, I'll be ok with that. Going out on top.

Jess's face when he said that - I need that gif now.

"I'm a cardiothoracic vascular trauma surgeon."

Yes, in the US it is taboo to be with your cousin, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and so on. If there is even the whiff of family tree, it's taboo.

Neither are you, you cat hybrid of some sort.

The pop-up book was played to perfection.

Brilliant connection!

"Also pull quotes don't mean shiz as anyone who has ever watched a commercial knows."

He is quite impaired: he has left-sided paralysis and an altered gait. Clearly some behavioral changes, as well. He had a stroke, and he has the deficits to prove it.

"…anti-Trump protesters, immigration, Obamacare, the First Amendment, the 'mainstream media,' and other things currently marked for death."

In my case, the audience didn't care. Pitt phoned this entire performance in. He tried to muster grief in one scene and all I saw was Dawson cry-face. He was pretty, but his performance was dreadful. Cotillard was the only aspect that made it worth watching. The story could have been interesting, but it was (at best)

The toothbrush glass was a welcome touch of classic Nick.

I don't think it's really fair to call non-watchers morons. I was all in at the start of this show, and it really lost its way (as well as its charm) in season 2. It doesn't surprise me that some could just never get on board, and a season 3 quality resurgence doesn't invalidate that. It's just sad that it had to

Worth mentioning: I couldn't help but pity Hugh. The way Elizabeth Jennings treated him last season of The Americans really stuck with me.

It was a perfect sight gag. They gave us just enough time with it to gradually take in every glorious detail.