
Both Armie Hammer and Michael Stuhlbarg were robbed for CMBYN. Hammer isn’t given much in the script and he does so much with subtle looks and gestures. Stuhlbarg gives life to the speech that is at the center of the book. Luca was also robbed for director, as he adds all the sensuality to it with his visuals.

i agree he’s tremendous, and very, very moving, (if a little wish fulfilling at the same time).

Oh no, that’ll be Call Me By Your Name that gets called overrated by assholes for reasons they won’t elaborate on.

Yeah. I didn’t love Call Me By Your Name as much as some people did, but Stuhlbarg’s monologue at the end made the movie.

The only real snub in my book is Michael Stuhlbarg.

I’m here for the first actor or actress who says. “Fuck you. I’m keeping my money and my awards. Arrest his ass if you want him out of the business.”

And what did this kid even earn for this movie?

“...now is a golden age for shows that are fantastically funny yet also deeply affecting...”

I was 90% sure Gretchen was building up to a huge kick in the dick in that last scene. Was disappointed it didn’t happen.

Oh yay! Thanks so much!


Aya Cash’s crazed, tear-filled stare wouldn’t be out of place in a horror film. I’d be exactly as nervous as Jimmy if I were on the receiving end of that glare.

it’s a bowler, not a fedora.

Shitstain’s evident glee in explaining his honeymoon. “We sat with two Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma researchers from Akron!”

Somebody give Aya Cash an Emmy for her slow stalking, rising above Jimmy, and then delivering HEY-DOT-DOT-DOT like she was the T-Rex from Jurassic Park. That was incredible.

After some extremely emotional and heavy closing minutes, the episode finishes off with a literal interpretation of the “This is fine” meme.

I love the glimpses of Sam and Shitstains life we get.

It’s really bad.

If you face Nick Denton’s failed microblogging platform with imperfect courage, it will utterly annihilate your soul, and then automatically log you out.

Dear Johnny Chicken Wing Eater,

As a southern Indiana native: Columbus is good for a driving tour, but don't linger too long. It is the breeding ground of Mike Pence after all. Drive through on the way to Bloomington.