Tim Hoskins

And Ford is really old Mr. Cruthers from the abandoned lighthouse. Jinkies!

When I heard there was a Diamondback in addition to Cottonmouth, I imagined a whole system of snake-themed gangsters. "Copperhead's operation is too small-time for this job. I'd take my business downtown to Coral Snake, but I can never tell if I'm talking to him or his brother Scarlet Kingsnake. And don't get me

David Sedaris is Greek, so Sedaroi maybe?

For my prison break, it's Guns n' Roses' "Sweet Child O' Mine" if they shoot it at regular speed, or Arcade Fire's "Wake Up" if it's in slo mo.

I think Angelus killing the Beast makes perfect since. There are nuances to evil. Angelus is in it for the fun of it and to indulge his sadistic whims. To put it in D&D terms, he's chaotic evil. So while he may be on the same side of the moral line as the other evil beings, he has no patience for the grand schemes and

As to the zombies in cars, from watching Morgan Jones' wife go up to the house she was staying in with her family pre-zombification and rattling the doorknob, I get the impression that the zombies have some faint memories of their human lives, at least on an instinctual level. My impression is that the zombies spend

I wouldn't say it didn't reveal what Project T.A.H.I.T.I. was. It was a secret S.H.I.E.L.D. program to resurrect a fallen Avenger by pumping them full of an alien-derived substance and reprogram their minds lest the memory of the event drive them insane. Coulson was in charge of it, but recommended it be shut down due