Tim Heidegger

Please, call him Garry.

Episode: B
Season: A-

How do you do, fellow kids?


Except that's not what happened. At all. She threw all their money into her sandwich business and it failed.

A-. It wasn't the strongest story-wise and I wasn't laughing nonstop, but it was just so damn enjoyable and got to the action straight away without anything slowing it down. As someone who's gamed a fair bit too I'm glad they got to show a slightly fuller RPG experience this time.

I've been rewatching The Office and like @roare I'd compare current Parks to s7 Office (before Michael's departure of course): funny when it tries, but missing way more often than it hits. I have a little more confidence that Parks will never degenerate into the absolute nadir that was The Reign of Robert California

Not your best work, but better than 95% of tonight's episode, so kudos.

I've always worried in the back of my mind that Parks would one day turn into late era The Office. It looks like that day has finally come.

What is that, Nietzsche? Shut the fuck up.

A for sure. No sitcom has ever made me cry, but I got pretty misty-eyed at those farewells. Bon Troyage indeed.

A for sure. This might be the Remedial Chaos Theory of season 5.

Finished watching it, went to share it with a friend, and it was deleted due to copyright violation. Fuck these fucking Paramount fucks.

God fucking damn

The discreet charm of the bourgeoisie indeed.

I need more Ron Dunn. They can't just tease us with Sam Elliott like that and then take him away forever.

Maybe I'm an asshole but this doesn't seem nearly as bad as his rape comment, which was a genuinely embarrassing disaster. I understand that anything Harmon says now regarding season 4 will be immediately considered newsworthy, but I'm not really seeing the scandal here, just a weird, clunky metaphor.

@avclub-ffc2c137ac50f2b5c98536d558642273:disqus I disagree, I think "bumming people out" can be an end in itself. Given your other comments, it seems to me that you're basically advocating for a form of Hegelian dialectic to make a work stronger, and in a piece of philosophy or a documentary I might agree. But in a