
Solution: open gas door, press lock on fob.

First, dont be stupid and keep the keys in the car.

As a florida resident... YEAH! This means more of the weak residents will flee the state and property prices will go back to normal.

I go a step further. not a thumb drive. but a microSD card.

They need to make a hybrid performance car. an M3e when in sport mode the electric assist acts like a supercharger dumping the battery hard boosting the the gas motor for epic launches, then eco mode where you can get the enviro feels while sitting in traffic.

I love how utterly stupid our president is. It’s like we elected a special needs yellow elmo that listens to anything the circle of jackals around him says.

Yet it was easily done by cars from 20 years ago. so what changed? why did the engineers of the past achieve it? hell the backlit buttons on the radio and dash of the 1986 pontiac fiero were two types of plastic and not painted on so they would last. so it was achievable in the past, but in the present we cant?

I can understand it on a $12,000 econobox, but the $60,000 Porsche?

Question: Why do you guys specify low grade plastics? some car makers use the softest plastic that scratches if you brush a fingernail against it.

I am guessing to regular people he is a “mastermind” but to many of us that have studied InfoSec he is not. He’s not even close to the “legendary” kevin Mitnick and even he was simply a script kiddie that was cracking for profits.

You can also hit the front and windshield a $3.00 can of “pledge” furniture polish.

I have a google Pixel for guests. It’s perfect as they cant infect it and they have to use their own google login to get onto the internet. I just leave it plugged in on the nightstand in the guest bedroom.

I got a urinal in the garage... It is awesome...

Rider not paying attention while speeding as he never even touched the clutch or brake, so probably a n00b rider, and driver not looking for lane change.

Unless it’s a Jaaaaaaag Jeremy craps all over everything. In fact I am 100% certain that is what his job is.... Just crap on things. He is an automotive scat artist.

yep, he is pretty much same as the old west guys selling “elixers for health” that were usually ran out of town.

The snowflake... That adjust AC going into the Glovebox. My honda has that.

it hasn’t been down several times and sold as “never dropped”

also remember, people on rebels, even 250cc rebels have done things on them that big bad bikers on their 1000+cc hogs are scared to do.
