
Download and use WAZE. Stop trying to be a traffic predictor.

“You could ride with just a t-shirt and shorts, I guess, if you don’t mind scraping off all your skin if you fall. I’m rather fond of my skin.”

The key is to get the right gear, sadly most riders think a T-shirt will protect them, or they find the “fashion” to be more important than a proper jacket and gloves. And I

These same people voted for Trump.... so it’s not really a surprise they don’t understand anything.

Same reason we slow down to look at horrible crashes... we just cant believe what we are looking at.

Some smart bulbs get very hot. check them first, do NOT assume that LED stays cool.

Note, very wierd my last message posting this disappeared.

It seems his “rich white family” breeds idiots that are lacking in any morals and are sociopaths.

People that abuse children need to be put in the general prison population and announced that they are child abusers..... let the inmates sort it out for the rest of us.

Check your smart bulb BEFORE stick a sticker to it. I have several that get very hot and will melt a cheap sticker. all my 60W equilivant zigbee bulbs get hogh enough to burn your hand if you grab them after having them on for an hour or more. If it hurts to hold it, the sticker will not be happy there.

Nope, I have met a LOT of executives in my life. Many of them are pretty much morons.

Sadly it is not the same thing, not even close. the DRL simulator is 100% videogame and does not fly like a real drone. Spend $99 on a decent micro drone and practice a LOT. wind currents, ground effect, etc all really make things different, and very VERY few use POV. Learn to fly it without the over the top POV

Just proof that Trump supporters are some of the most uneducated in the country.

100% crime they are not in cars anymore.

Get a hidden plate setup for show cars, they have been around for 30 years.

And AND add on top of it the platinum extended warranty for free. The ones that covers the car for 150,000 miles or 10 years, bumper to bumper.

more people need to post the dirty laundry of these scumbag dealerships trying to pull crap like this. Also get the local news involved. The only way to fight the dealership cartel is to embarrass them over and over and over again.

And it’s why places like carmax are utterly eating the lunch of every single car

No surprise as their infotainment system is the crappiest made from ALL the car companies out there. Lexus has the utterly crappiest OS on their Infotainment system of all the car makers. Dear god even GM has a better system, and that is not a high bar.

Yep, its more that humans spread the crap from there to everywhere else. Florida has been the right climate for this for the last 35,000 years. Global climate change is happening, but it did not teleport these infected snails to florida.

Actually this is incorrect. MOST jobs do not require the employee to have a phone on them 24/7 Only a few jobs do. ANd then emergency home contact is a little larger than the other, but all together is still less than 40% of the population, that means the minority of people require this and the majority absolutely

Thanks for the awesome article. One thing I will add, the claims that “you cant wear gear in the south” are made up BS. I ride in 96 degree heat with full gear. It’s mesh gear from a decent company and good reviews from people that have been down in it with decent CE rated armor. and because I chose a light gray

Dear BMW..... Stop making upscale Hundai cars. your styling in the past 3 years sucks. SUCKS. only one vehicle is distinctively BMW and that is the i8.

Fire ALL of your design teams, take the guy that sourced the “soft touch” paint coating on the interior that flakes and comes off and beat him with saurbraten until

“Officially, the ban on import cars younger than 25 years old is to keep unsafe and unclean vehicles off American roads”