
lane splitting at speed in heavy traffic is asking for an accident. Calm the hell down and enjoy the ride. Never EVER be in a hurry on the bike.

real leather motorcycle seats are great for show, they suck on a bike that is actually ridden. the amount of maintenance to keep them looking good is nuts. I had my bikes seats done in leather and 3 years later had them recovered in marine quality vinyl the leather does not stand up to bikes that actually get

Heated grips and heated seats are WAY up there as well. same as the electric windshield. I can tip it way up and block a lot of wind. My bike I am comfortable down to 38 degrees. Below that, too high of a chance of ice and I dont ride.

Not only that, but they are REPLACED with new units every few years. The oldest dryer here is from 2010 nice LCD screens, paint still intact, no crackheads in the bathroom....

But but, jalopnicks think they have the right to cut off traffic! It’s their GOD GIVEN RIGHT!!!!

I am guessing that the Dumpster fire that is the top gear franchise has finally given up? TG-A felt so forced that it was more painful to watch than the first few episode of TG after the sandwich incident.

And dear god stop with them reading cue cards on camera. if they cant memorize their lines then replace them

“but Republicans campaigned on repealing Obamacare, so many feel obligated to follow through by voting yes.”

Yeah, reality is the boom wont kill you unless it’s on top of you and you are in the high pressure zone, it’s the radiation. look how far the plume spreads from a N-Korea itty bitty 10kt. But their bomb is dirty so double the radiation problems.

Secret? It’s printed in the instructions next to the coin slot.

Story is written to be clickbait. ATC has an exact path this flew, problem is if he did a suicide leap into superior, they probably will never find the body.

Toyota is just interested in selling less cars. That photo on top is a great example... That ugly mess of “styling” makes last generation of Lincoln look downright beautiful. Toyota needs to find the Meth their designers are on and remove it from the offices.

Worried about the kid falling off, but no helmet or any other gear...

Yep, and I did the impossible and rode a motorcycle without being murdered on the way to work today.

Exactly! people wont vote for horrible evil people if they are educated.

Problem is Jason, Idiots like the one that wrote that article are who are currently in power in this country.

This is exactly why I dont ride with any motorcycle groups.

No mystery, Mustang owner test driving someone elses car.

Yep, you are confused, because you failed at basic driving education. Come on back when you understand what a solid white line means on the pavement.

I wish the officer would taze him a couple of times as well.

You can have it in the USA. you cant DRIVE IT on public roads in the USA but you can buy and import any car made in the world if you are going to use it for a show car or race car. The feds wont come and crush it if you keep it off the roadways.