
Mostly because the drivers cant turn right. Doing a Left and a right? are you insane?

Actually want to fix nascar? force racing teams to drive Production cars only and qualifying for the oval race is on the road course. Get rid of the 100% idfentical tubing racers with a fake body over them. Back to if you are

What do you do for a profession? I need you to work for $0.50 an hour for me as paying any more is being “flashy”

Note: the example photo makes me really think hard about this, A Prada handbag is not quality, they are instead Image, trendy, and flashy. They are in fact very inferior in quality compared to a real leather bag hand made by person skilled in leatherwork. If you buy for quality and not “look at me” then you never

Stormy seas are pussies compared to stormy great lakes. Ask the guys that have to deal with the shores of Superior and Huron and how that wave will ICe the truck instantly with nearly a 1/4 inch to 1/2 inch of ice. salt water does not instant ice on contact like the great lakes do.

If in doubt pay $450 to get an exterminator to treat the property anyways. a homeowner should spend money on pest control like this even if they own a brick home.

Hopefully you keep the silly politics out of it like stories in the past had. A lot of good conversations here were ruined by stupid #RepublicanRules / #Democrat4Ever stupidity in the past few years.

I would ride the 1200 miles to daytona. The fun part was the Wannabe bikers wearing all the HD stuff giving me crap for riding a BMW... I simply replied with, I actually rode my bike here from north of Chicago, you trailered yours. They would shut up pretty quickly.

I deal with people that own yachts, typically they simply tell their staff on the boat to sail it to where they want to go. The only time they use one of the big boats to move them is when they have a major mechanical problem. Or if they have itty bitty pleasure boats like I see mostly loaded on that one in the image.

It’s actually common, my wife is experiencing it right now. Companies looking for 20 years experience and a BA degree and then offer $13 an hour... My wife blew up at the last one and said, “you called me just to give an insult with that number?” Companies that are honest publish the salary range instantly in the

it will do 500HP probably near redline, and it is a very low torque engine.

Pro players?

I’m suing the world because water is still wet!

Yet 99% of all managers refuse to even release what the pay is until the offer, Wasting a lot of time.

A lot. you can easily get in 1500 miles in a weekend. so at least once a month for me.

Glad to inspire you to work harder while I am on vacation. I’ll drink another beer in remembrance of you.

because many companies offer the lowest possible option to improve profits. Most times you can just buy your own from the exchange and get better healthcare for the same money. Good companies give you a preimum plan and pay 80% to 100% of the cost. But those companies are incredibly rare.

that is awesome. I moved to Sport Touring bikes as 70mph for 6 hours sucks without a fairing and windshield. 1300cc and a 350 mile range between fill ups is also nice.

Answer to everything? Come on a 1500 mile ride with me and see if you still feel that way.

Sadly its rare to not be excessively bullshitted during the interview process. Most companies pride themselves in making up crap and then being suprised that you wont gleefully accept their 40% below what you should be making offer.

I found that ignoring HR works well for this. MY current job I asked for $XXXXXX and

I utterly love a dome home. Sadly most contractors are so afraid of non right angles that it’s hard to find one that can do math to work on one.