
Well there's more to it than that thematically. You have the whole "killing destroys your soul," but you also have commentary on the blowback of Cold War strategic calculations, the intersection between covert state actors and terrorist organizations/arms dealers, the conflict between the progressive aims of early

Munich is easily one of Spielberg's best films.

Man, somebody had a rough time in school.

Other than the inaccuracy issue, I don't see a single problem with any of that.

This shitty animation adds nothing to the bit.

I love that right-wing writing style that mistakes verbosity for content. You could have said all that with a couple of short sentences.

Oh but we got to be mad because he's assailing white people by not immediately prefacing all of his comments with "Indians killed people too."

I'd hate to say it, but the prequels are way worse than RLM. Nothing is worse than bad on a massive scale. The more money you throw at bad, the worse it gets—big budgets amplify the creative failure. RLM is amateur slop, but most of its points are valid. The prequels are what happens when lots of talent, time and

He'll always be Castillo to me.

Erogenous zone!

Yeah to be honest, as pathetic as the guys offended by women Ghostbusters are, it's sad that people really care what a bunch trolls and anonymous losers on the Internet think. People seem a little too interested in and hyper aware of these fake controversies raging in dank online corners. If the movie comes out,

France and the resistance get my thorough respect.

Munich is one of the best movies he ever made, and Minority Report is pretty damn entertaining.

That was my first thought too.

So is Ripley going to dress up like a xenomorph and live among them to study their behavior Diane Fossey style? And fight off evil Weyland-Yutani poachers who just want to use their acid blood for Chinese boner medicine? Cause I'm totally down with that.

Beat reporters have to go out into the world and gather the facts so people like Jon Stewart can comment on them, and so his ideological enemies can comment on it. Stewart didn't get the facts or the story, he simply added a layer of commentary to the work the un-glamorous beat reporters who got the text, the

The one kill I really really enjoy in the game is the villain of "The Missing Link." That character is such a believable piece of shit, and his crime is so awful that there's simply no walking away from it. I have to whack him up close with the blades or a grenade because being shot by a sniper rifle is too good for

My notion of objectivity isn't that both sides are equally valid. It's basically what you describe in your last sentence: following the facts wherever the lead and minimizing bias and prejudice. I don't buy into the Southpark notion that all sides are created equal or that the truth is somewhere in the middle of the

Objectivity in the absolute sense is impossible, but it's still worth striving for (not that anyone is even trying anymore). You're never going to have completely unbiased journalism, but things like fact checking, peer review, editorial standards, etc. have a way, when applied correctly, of creating a closer

Well, I think the idea there is choice is an illusion. There is no choice for the crew at that moment; they can play ball with the spooks, or go to jail. Yeah, sometimes life doesn't give you choices. There is something to be said for determinism.