
Hey, I didn't say she's right. I'm just saying it's an old idea that this movie has recycled.

I never signed off on that motherfucker.

It's actually a pretty old interpretation. In fact, the scene seems to be almost inspired by or lifted from this summary at wikipedia:

Paul Haggis is like the cheap, glossy, tin-eared, mainstream Hollywood version of John Sayles. I feel bad even mentioning the two together, but a good John Sayles film is like an anecdote for when someone tries to push Haggis on you. Show them "Passion Fish," "Lone Star" or "Sunshine State" and say "this is what

The Best Creepy Elias Koteas Role Oscar goes to….Elias Koteas for Crash!

And the award for Best Scar Fucking and Backseat Hand Jizz goes to….Crash!

It's worth noting that the videos of Charlie Murphy just telling the stories are as good if not better than the sketches/recreations. He's simply a great storyteller.

While not a personal ethos, Bishop unexpectedly upheld his programming in Aliens.

Some would argue we haven't properly won one since the Spanish-American War.

As bloated as they were, the LOTR movies at least had pretty good performances, decent production design, coherent three-act structures, cool set pieces and an appreciable lack of trade federations and planetary embargoes. ROTK went off the rails with too much bloat, too many ghost pirates, too many endings, etc.,

Not really. The special effects were certainly impressive, but there was nothing impressive about the overall visual design. Namboo (or Bamboo, or whatever it's called) looked like Thomas Kinkaid's portrayal of Renaissance Italy; the space stations and ships all looked incredibly bland, except for the sleek, but

I thought they were called Mormon separatist ranchers.

The Citadel was great, but I want my open world Citadel, or at least one where you can explore the nooks and crannies.

Yeah,there are so many incredible Blader Runner-esque scenarios one can imagine in the Wards. And they've barely exploited it.

Money makes people risk averse.

Too many hands in the pot? Also, having a bunch of cool concepts doesn't help when the connective tissue is uninspired. You need a good, strong core for a game to really cohere. A bunch of teams working in isolation on certain aspects of the gameplay prevents any kind of authorial voice or vision, or even a unifying

I've often thought of how cool an open world Deus Ex would be, where you basically have one giant cyberpunk hub with Deux Ex-style missions (and I mean full on Deus Ex, not some dumbed-down Rockstar version) in key areas throughout. That's a game concept I can get behind. GTA with some half-formed hacking/evasion

I imagine most of those people have never read any of his writing, or maybe only read his later reviews (which weren't as strong or focused imo). They saw him on TV and assumed there was nothing else there. There are more incisive, more theoretical, more "termite-oriented" critics out there, but there are few who are

I think Mass Effect 2 is the best game in the series. You just can't beat that Seven Samurai suicide mission vibe (even though it's surprisingly easy to keep everyone alive).

I like "hump." Like "get outta my way ya fucking hump."