
Good call on the Chameleons. Chameleons fandom is a sure sign of taste.

Well, other than Yoda he's pretty much the best thing about those movies, and frankly he's a pretty big part of what moves the trilogy along. His ship gets the characters to the death star, his shot saves Luke during the trench run, he saves Leia in Empire Strikes Back, his being frozen sets up the entire first act of

Let off some steam Bennett.

I'm more concerned with the Pacific Northwest's population of anti-vaccination shitheads. Being a person who lives here, I can't despise those people enough.

It was very much a good movie though.

Like shimmering light shone from paradise
Iridescent but having form like sammite
From depths of Detroit's rusty core
The man who once by evil fell
Rises angel like, Michael with flaming sword
and a badass gun that cries out,
"veneance unto thee, perdition!"
"vengeance to cutpurse and coked-up whore!"
For Robocop, held up

And you can watch Hoskins and Caine together in Mona Lisa. That's some serious crime thriller casting right there.

Yeah, he's probably too into it. And he's never been above slumming either.

JarJar jussa wanna sodomize de white princess.

It's just not the same without a highly respected British screen and stage actor (just in it for a lifetime money horde) with a prickly and condescending attitude toward the project. I guess Harrison Ford will have to do.

In 20XX, a nanite bomb was detonated by Hasbro extremists in Mattel Factory #0178 in Shenzhen, killing thousands with a the Synthetic virus known only as Jem and leading to the first open fighting between the centuries-old shadow powers since the 1388 Toy Maker Street Battles of Genoa.

Is there really anything insightful to say about songs like this?

The Cronenburger: mutant-hybrid beef between two seductive buns.

This movie is actually quite funny. Cronenberg can be surprisingly humorous in a dry, detached way. I chuckle a lot while watching it. Jude Law's up-tightness in the face of Jennifer Jason Leigh's sly goading is particularly amusing, and gets funnier the more grossly visceral the stuff going on around them gets.

Not when your complaint is "not enough Jesus," which is what half the religious complaints have been. I've now read several denunciations of the film that bitch about it not having the spirit of the Gospels. And that's presumptuous as all hell, especially since the God of the Torah is quite a bit different that Jesus

She's a taca (she really runs her mouth a lot)

Terrible, just terrible… *Sticks head in oven*

I used to have the original laser discs, but my mom spring cleaned those out of existence years ago. So sad.

Yeah, I'm sure his performance is really just "old dude saying things." That's all there is to it. Hell, anyone can do it, I'm sure. I'd love to engage your argument, but I just can't take comparison to Paula Poundstone seriously. And I think that trotting out George Carlin to somehow dismiss Louis CK's work is a bit

Louis Ck's stand-up is a lot of things. One-dimensional isn't one of them. Like all comics he has an overall "voice" and "tone." That doesn't make him a one-note comic. It's what sets him apart. And let me also note how weird it is to me that people actually like his show but not his stand-up. To me, his stand-up is