Yes, this was a translation. Her written description was “FOMO no mo’! #FOMONOMO #outfitoftheday #beach #friends #lipgloss #nailart #flipflops #music #sun #sky #life #breakfast #cupcake #f4f ”
Yes, this was a translation. Her written description was “FOMO no mo’! #FOMONOMO #outfitoftheday #beach #friends #lipgloss #nailart #flipflops #music #sun #sky #life #breakfast #cupcake #f4f ”
More Me-he-cans taking ‘murican killing jobs, that’s what! Build a wall so we can murder and maim in freedom the American way!
I have thoughts. I got my thoughts from this Stanford MOOC sponsored by the William Perry Project:
ffs. I know a 14 year-old kid who died from HPV throat cancer.
“That’s the American Dream, right there!”
Alex Jones: Fucker. Did he take just one tiny second to apologize to the millions of trafficked children in the world? If there is ONE THING in the world about which one should never cry wolf, it is this. Call Hillary Clinton an alien lizard shape-shifter? Fine: No lizard shape-shifters were harmed in that experiment.…
Also Syria. Do not take your eyes off Syria. 500 U.S. troops deployed ostensibly to just retake Raqqa. If Afghanistan and Iraq have taught us nothing else, “just” a military operation is not a thing. Is the U.S. marching straight into another decades-plus occupation of yet another country without any exit strategy…
Tapping into the mommy hive-mind right now... You had a fuck, then you had a kid: So it is now absolutely your responsibility to give a fuck. As stewards of the world for the next generation, whatever your political leanings, parents should sure as hell act like grown-ups now and do what they can to protect the…
Huntington sux. Just sayin’.
In my Merkel fan fiction, the conversation went like this:
Very much so. Look at her nod at the “Did you talk about NATO?” question, while 45 grimaces, because he clearly “lost” on that “negotiation”. Ms. Merkel was born in the Allied-Occupied Zone, and then her family moved to the Soviet Occupied Zone, so her father could pursue his studies. And then came the Berlin Wall.…
I stand corrected. (I was copsplained to—and I have now also learned my lesson there).
The use of a silencer also negates a consistent ballistic signature left on a spent bullet. So tying a bullet to a specific gun will be difficult or impossible. Silencers might have their own signature, but you’d have to find the gun and silencer together, and the silencer would need to be attached exactly as it was…
I’m going to practice pronouncing that.
Let’s take a minute to play out this dip shit economic argument to its logical conclusion: Only women get pregnant, so only women should bear the costs. Gotcha. Therefore, since women bear the costs of childbearing, they should reap the rewards. Libertarians can’t have anything to say against that, now can they?…
Is he aware of the great likelihood of his also having greatly benefitted directly from the female reproductive system and any care he may have received there? (Only likely, because orcs are made from stone and slime and sorcery, so there is a chance...)