
Los Angeles.

There’s a Russian dossier joke in there: wittier people, please, find it for me.

Everybody sing, “Some people claim that there’s a woman to blame...”

“If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.”

Now playing

Kellyanne was an elaborate performance art piece done by Denis Leary in drag. No one is going to convince me otherwise.

But why would he? 45 couldn’t care less about any issue whatsoever that doesn’t either line his pocket or stoke his ego. So, since we have seen in the span of less than two decades how the electoral college can or will be (ab)used to win elections, I’m wondering whether 45 isn’t just doing everything in his power to

Youths! Button tufting is exactly the reason we invented the Internet for you.

May I suggest? Plato’s “Republic” (400 BCE), particularly the Fifth Stage.

C:Do you love me? Will you love me forever? Do you need me? Will you never leave me? Will you make me so happy for the rest of my life? Will you take me away and will you make me your wife?

Hmmmm...Posit for a moment a scenario where every man in Oklahoma is but truly a “host” for any number of living organs, such as liver lobes, kidneys, parts of lungs, parts of the pancreas and sections of intestines, bone tissue, skin and bone marrow. Heck, you really only need one eyeball. Really, it should be

We all need to fight this with whatever tools we’ve got in our own toolboxes. John Oliver is more effective doing his “schtick” than volunteering at the local ACLU. If you are photographer, post images all over social media. If you are a SAHM, announce at the PTA meeting the next march. If you are a financial advisor,

Point taken. If many women were not sexist themselves, I suppose the attitudes would have died out long ago.

Women are not cattle, obviously. For many of these unappealing men, however, having failed at attracting an actual human woman, well, a comely angus or a lithe little hereford...? Anyway, mental associations were likely triggered. So, not the only entertainment, in other words.


Nevertheless, keep on persisting, honorable Senator Warren! The republic needs you!

Dogs do look like their owners.

Also: Those buttons? “Gold feline heads”? The jokes write themselves, folks.

This outfit is starting to make sense. Maybe Melania can recommend a good armorer to the rest of us.

A picture? ты чё, сука, охуел? This is 1927. Look at a Washington Post from that era. Day-to-day photojournalism wasn’t a thing (small camera (a Leica) was first commercially available in 1925; before then it was the big, folding cameras, which needed the long exposures, tripods...)