would assume you’ve never listened to his show.
would assume you’ve never listened to his show.
prank phone calls are actually hilarious. you should probably just lighten up a little bit.
what is this crack-cocaine-meth you speak of? i’d like to try it.
you’re asking a lot from a guy whose best work routinely comes on friday afternoons in the form of bear videos.
the second one is the pitchfork hand sign they do it at asu.
more great work from tommy ley!
maybe she’s just not very talented.
you’re an idiot.
what were you expecting from a guy whose best work here week in and week out is friday afternoon bear videos?
tom ley has a face you just want to punch.
you are mad and most likely red, online.
so all forms of employment are slavery. got it, thanks.
there is more to the reasoning behind the men’s haircuts than lice/hygiene.
this is good. you decry the effects of the draft on people of color and then wonder if this person is a wasp.
slaves don’t get paid.
butthurt about what exactly?
“do you like elton john?”
you’re right. she’s this generations woodward and bernstein.
if i were in your house i would throw myself in your boiler. it would be a great alternative to having to spend time with someone as naive as yourself.