
Honestly, I think that people just want and expect answers from TV shows and I don't think it's a bad thing. I understand that and I often feel that way myself.

Perhaps I'm weird but I felt like I really didn't need to understand why Sherlock relapsed. I like that to us, it doesn't make a while lot of sense. I guess this is because it mirrors my own experience with my addict family members. It's been 5 years since my favorite cousin relapsed, overdosed and died and it still

I agree with you so much. This has been my experience too.

I actually don't mind the relapse. I actually love that they went there. I'm glad. Addiction is a hard as hell, life long fight. It just doesn't stop because you want it to or because you're doing the work. I've a lot of addicts in my family and they are good people at their core. But they have all had relapses at

I have no problem with Cookie and Lucious' reaction to Andre's illness. This is, at times, how people react. I'm a black girl from the south who grew up in poverty and I remember my grandfather's bipolar diagnosis well. And I remember that his sister's reaction was basically the exact same as Cookie's: "That's a white