
Lets not forget his “full” head of hair... dude has a forehead bigger then my dad’s and a hairline to match (my Dad’s 64).

What the fuck? No. That is like saying if woman A slept with woman B who was trans but before she had transitioned in any way, or even publicly identified that way, then woman A has slept with a woman even though at that time woman B was biologically and publicly identifying as a man. Circumcision done to you as a

America is so fucked right now because the Government has turned the keys to the kingdom over to corporations.

That picture sure demonstrates how much work she’s had done

Except when this proves he is being played by Russia. Assad gains nothing from randomly gassing his own people, but this does provide distraction from the changes in the congressional investigation of Trump and Russia. It allows Putin and Trump the means to play up theatrics in an ongoing proxy war, while letting


Sometimes when I see ridiculous commercials, I try to imagine what that pitch meeting must have been like, and I feel like the phrase “protest is the new brunch” was uttered in this one.

You nailed it. Chasing Amy isn’t talking to women. Not even trying. It’s a movie with a very heartfelt message aimed at men. For an ignorant man to understand the lesson, the story has to be told with male vocabulary.

To me, the biggest symptom of the film’s problems was the scene where Alyssa said she’d never been with a guy. It felt so much like a) authorial fiat, a scene where someone acts out of character solely because the film wouldn’t have a third act if she said, “Yeah, I fucked around a little in high school”, and b)

It’s interesting Clover saw it this way, because I always saw the inclusion of Alyssa’s girlfriend in the last scene as a very clear indication that Alyssa and Holden are over. They could have really loved each other, but he was a giant manbaby about her past and she doesn’t trust him to *ever* get over it, so yeah.

It’s the Askewniverse. View Askew.

I did not. I am sick and tired of plot twists for the sake of plot twists. They went the logical route, and it was good, old-fashioned storytelling.

Really makes me want to punch Bernie and his die hards in the mouth. Those fuckers gave us this because they couldn’t handle a woman being in charge. Pathetic, pathetic little man.

I don’t think your takeaway about Max is right. Celeste even says with despair that some little boys don’t grow out of it. We know she directly means Perry, but she can also be realizing she has to take ownership of the children she is creating and that denial isn’t working any more. When she goes home she tells Max

Run. fast.

You’d be surprised how many fecal particles are all over the place, even if you think you’ve cleaned yourself.

Mormons have a very hard time imagining women in leadership positions.

Here’s a good piece on Big Little Lies in Flavorwire.

It’s true, but it’s also true that she said she stopped wearing makeup because of the unrealistic expectations for appearance that women face, so wearing makeup and pretending you aren’t wearing makeup is just as bad as photoshop and crazy contouring in terms of setting up unreasonable expectations for how women