
I’ve had students of all genders admit to being addicted to porn. In some circles it starts with anime, in others, one upping each other on the gross factor. Mostly tied to parents who think 13 means they can’t enforce rules any longer or parents who refuse to acknowledge sex exists.

Meh, typo, happens when you write on an iPhone at 5:30 am. We both know what I meant and there’s really no need to call me out, unless your superiority complex needs to be fed.

I’m high school, where it’s uncommon except for in some life skills students. I have friends who have caught boys with hands down pants in middle school and girls rubbing against things. Most have almost no sex ed and have no idea that it’s not a public act.

He didn’t. He had made some sexual comments about me and a student in class before, that I had reported. He also had masturbated in class before.

This stuff isn’t uncommon. I was chased around my room by a student trying to “hug” me, and was told when I reported it that I was lucky I was “still hot.” I could not get him removed from my classroom, even as I was subjected to hearing him describe what he’d like to do to me sexually multiple times. He liked to

There’s always a contingent of women on Jez who want it to be something it’s not, a safe place for ultra sensitive women to complain about how the outside hurts them. They are usually exclusionary to men and often think they are sensitive to cultural issues, but are simply privileged (but depressed and anxious) white


Let’s not forget that Soon-Yi was most probably groomed by Allen. Her low IQ and neediness was well document by every member of her family, along with how Allen made their affair a secret until Mia found evidence of it all. Then he blamed Mia for the affair.

Soon-yi, who has a low IQ and only knew Mia as a mother and Woody as a father before she and Woody started to hook up behind Mia’s back, is case #2.

Didn’t the whole SATC thing go back years, when Catrall found out that Parker had it iron clad that she would never be nude, but the others were never given the option? And get worse when Catrall, the only other recognizable name at the start of the series, found out she was getting paid the same rate as the lesser

My ex was an elite swimmer at a young age, and still holds some records. He was groomed and molested by his swim coach, but because the coach was the same sex, he has barely mentioned the abuse to anyone.

Flea plays sloppy because he can and it’s his style-the style that ended up defining the sound of RHCP. He is very capable of clean, solid playing.

Elvis did it first, the British Invasion just followed the leader.

Uh, I love the Beatles and I’m okay with this statement. Paul didn’t even try and start to learn composition until the Beatles were almost done, wasn’t ever really into playing the bass (it was due to George only knowing very basic guitar and John insisting on being lead) so he never put a lot of effort into playing

Aren’t they back together, but the royal fam hate keeps them from being official.

I remembered something about Rose today that I haven’t heard mentioned throughout this whole thing.

You seem to know it about the incident. I must ask, did YOU plan it?

He was part of the whole thing and ripped through too much fabric, but never suffered any of the “O my kids are forever ruined!” shame that Jackson did.

I have no doubt your ex will. You’re a safe place.

I have an ex who was groomed then molested by his swim coach. I am one of 4 people in his life that know what happened. We actually broke up because he couldn’t stand me knowing, it was just too shameful. He started and stopped therapy several times for the same reason.