
Um, rumor is that she’s been escorting herself. Hence the locations she’s been living/vacationing.

Ahhh... the slippery slope arguement. Always worthwhile and valid.

You seem like you’ve got that all figured out.

Because she’s 20 and only dated guys her age! Those descriptions exist to show how young and immature she is, which the story makes clear is the motivation of why Robert is pursuing her. He likes her best when she’s acting like a child, but her lack of experience makes her judgemental and needy for approval. And she

She was trying to blame his problems on combat service and lack of support from the VA for the effects, which is a real problem that Obama should have addressed better.

The entire biological Trump clan has them. They all seem to have gone for the biggest and most fake looking veneers possible.

I don’t think the Pence is worse narrative is worth keeping Trump in office.

If you go to Trump’s fan subreddit, all they ever do is talk about how Bill Clinton is a rapist. They think wha Trump did was funny and not a big deal in comparison.

Trump just rolled back another Obama era rule that limited baggage fees.

Fat, sugar and meth is combo you don’t sleep well on.

You’re not hungry after you do a bunch of stimulants. Or so I’ve been told.

But they are now an extremely small voting base.

Sarah Sanders only knows how to propagate abusive relationships.

She’s vegan, so eating turkey would have been heathens for her.

And she dumped him repeatedly because he couldn’t stop cheating on her.

But then you get judged as complicit.

Which is why it’s awesome that Moore won’t step down. Even if he wins, it’s a loss. No GOP Senate member can stand with him on an issue because it will make them look complacent, but they need his vote for their sinistery. Moore is essentially impotent from the get go, but they need to stroke him. Forcing him out puts

Whoa. And Rassumsen is super right leaning and only polls people who consistently vote. They are also the only polling group that Trump has retweeted positively.

He was never anything other than a well connected meglomanic. He’s no more an ally to you as he is to Russia. Assange has never wanted to inform, he wants to use classified information just like Putin-to destabilize governments to feed his own need for power. Right now Putin and Assange have a common enemy, the US

Remember, these are the same people who fear monger over Islam because Mohammed had young wives!