
No, Diana would have been Queen. She, unlike the other two, is from royal blood and could have ascend the throne. In fact, being a Spencer was her biggest selling point to Charles when he decided to marry her.

Photoshop and lots of plastic surgery. She’s had 4 kids in quick succession since wigs and Mr. Big.

I lived in AZ when this creature had his VH1 show. I was even, unfortunately, in a bar in Scottsdale while they were filming. They went to the same few places all the seasons (2,3???) and after my horrible night running into the production, I avoided those bars like the plague.

You forgot GI Jane, Demi Moore’s attempt at an Oscar.

That isn’t the shit the article is talking about, it’s not about receiving attention.

I hate this mentality. Not even a generation ago, you got a job and work was around family, not the other way around. Kids weren’t considered a motherfucking privilege for the rich or religious

I think it’s worse than that. The safe middle class is full of selfish children. They only see their offspring as extensions of themselves, and only care about their kids when it serves them. As a teacher, I suffer yearly through numerous parents who don’t like consequences for themselves, so they fight having them

T.J. Miller keeps saying he wants his Hollywood career to be done, so he’s not so busy and he can get back to being a (shitty, meh) comedian.


And a pre school teacher who hadn’t been any sort of standout before, being thrust into the limelight. The Queen and Charles tipped off the tabloids the minute he started dating Diana, and PR’d the shit out of it.

The royals were even worse to Sarah Ferguson, Price Andrew’s first wife. I remember an interview with Fergie were she said she and Diana bonded over their tales of emotional abuse at the hands of Phillip and Elizabeth.

Reports are also that he called Sean Spicer “Melissa McCarthy,” to Spicer’s face as a form of humiliation.

Check the user name

Violent suicides are usually planned rather than triggered.

Men tend towards violent ways to end their lives, women are the wirst cutters and pill takers.

And heavily influenced by environment. Which is why special needs parents can produce special needs kids with a normal IQ

No one forced them to reproduce. And taking the child away doesn’t create a super race.

Special needs can run in families. Have a kid that can barely read a book? Dad more than likely can’t read the IEP.

It’s not the missing being pregnant.

There was a lot of shit that Hefner’s lifestyle wasn’t on the up and up. At least 2 of his former gf’s have wrote books about it.