
And Kelly Conway. And Besty DeVos.

They are desperate for an autocracy.

I refuse to google the confirmation, but I’m pretty sure Milo actually is at least part Jewish. But he hates his parents so, it would fit with his narrative.

She’s black in Spokane, which is by the most racist areas of the NW. She must revel in her victimhood to stay there.

A) Rachel’s supposed history of abuse has been contested by her family. On numerous counts. The abuse, the court case, the reason behind her adoptive brother living with her, all of it.

Brother was not. Tori was because Candy didn’t that Tori cheated on her nice, Jewish husband with McDermott.

She’s said in multiple interviews that growing up in her dad’s insane house (there was a room for her dolls alone) with her mother’s unlimited spending habits gave her a very messed up perception of wealth. For Tori, buying a 10 room home was a downgrade and felt like slumming. Shopping at Nordstrom rather than Paris

I think you’re arguing with tomato face, FYI. No one will win

Read the story somewhere else. Crew was needed in Louisville, and the airline must have seats for all passengers. So they asked people to volunteer to leave, and you know the rest...

I watched her on ET for a minute last night. “Mama June denies using painkillers for her multiple surgeries.” “June, who was visibly tired and had problems staying awake throughout our interview.”

Everyone was is a trope in the askewverse. Ben is the douchey clueless asshole, and Jason always plays the charming asshole-who cares even though he constantly pretends he doesn’t. Neither are supposed to be a hero- their self absorption will always be a massive weakness.

But that’s kinda the point. Alyssa is never a real person to Holden until it’s too late. She’s his manic pixie dream girl. Until she becomes too real, and then Holden has to offer that damn 3some. He’s the one who could never handle reality.

On the other hand, I’m a Celeste, and I have had a good friend named Renata for years, and a friend named Madeline. The names on this show freaked me the fuck out. I know for certain barely anyone is named this IRL.

The first one she struggled to get away and then she turned it into hate fucking after he wouldn’t let go. It seemed like a way she learned to keep from being hurt. The second time he was forcing sex on her as a way to her to accept his apology. It turned consensual after she realized she’d get hurt again if she

Because one the twin who is a bully is also being a bully to Ziggy. When Ziggy is forced to go to the therapist, the therapist says Ziggy is being bullied. Amabella was pointing at the kid who could do the least harm back, which is the other kid getting hurt.

He has to be the guy who raped Jane. The way he rapes her in the bedroom scene, rapid fire with her face away from him, is the exact same way he rapes Celeste.

I’m going to add to what everyone else is saying, it’s clear he’s a controlling and abusuve ass.

But it’s a different Jesus than the one in the Bible. It’s a form of Joshua, Jeshua, in its Spanish form. Jesus isn’t the Spanish version of Jesus.

Disagree. If we are lucky, we will have three parties; moderates from the left and right uniting, the commie/socialist lefties, and the nationalist/libratarian righties.

The problem is the Demos are no better. They still can’t unite, even under Ellison, and they only have their hatred of Trump to keep them focused.