
I respect how you follow things, so I have a question.

Constant calls into Howard Stern alone would prove her amoral. But she killed people and that’s worse than Trump’s 3 wives and constant cheating. He, at least, is on camera touching a bible.

OMG yes! A libtard called my cousin a Nazi on Insta for saying that Muslim churches (why do they need to go, anyways?) should all be burned down. And another called me an asshole for saying BLM is a terrorist group.

It was so easy for the Russians to prove us stupid. Even I barely trust any news reports now.

Kinda. Those emails reveled she had 14 people killed (RIP Seth Rich-Trump will make sure she pays for your death), that Soros pays for all liberal dissent, the world is actually conservative and libtards are ruining it all with falsehoods about climate change and healthcare.

We have finally found that reality star that pushed the Kardashians from Dirt Bag. Like with Paris, the push came from someone a little more crass and someone with even less talent. But it had to come.

I’m not sure.

I did some work on the national level, evaluating teachers and schools, and it’s like Brown vs Education never occurred. There is little left of equal education at all.

I don’t think Micheal was killed either.

Disagree. I had to pull out my phone and pull up Rashida’s IMBD page to prove to a friend not so long ago Rashida is black. Friend that Rashida was a poser for using a “black name” to get roles.

Hmmm... I get cha...

What do you think his advisors, the half that keep him enraged about being unpopular, are planning to get out of this? Are they trying to make him into such a fool no one will ever take him seriously? Are they hoping to do something extra super shady while everyone is staring at the clown? Did a bunch of bankers, whom

He’s to blame for Tomi. He can never be woke. He’s always half asleep at the wheel, blaming incoming traffic when he drives into the wrong lane.

I judge too. My sister, a registered Demo, voted libratarian. We fought

Tomi loves swearing too much. She’s probably waiting for Trump to start his news network instead.

Are you sure on this one? Murdock’s boys are liberal and dislike Trump. Plus, Ailes and Bannon aren’t great fans of FOX.

Well, Putin harbors no loyalties, and Trump is a much easier fish to fry than Clinton would have been. Assange would love to watch the US descend into in fighting and have the dollar plunge.

The base won’t turn on him until a recesssion starts to hit. And Trump can’t handle it if they did, it’d leave him financially and egotistically ruined. The minute he can’t lie about the economy any more he’ll bail, start his channel, and make money blaming those still in office.

He won’t be removed, he’ll resign because he can control that. Then he will have the ammo for his news channel to talk about the horrible state of both parties all the time. He’ll make money off the propaganda that got him elected.

You’re forgetting a few other facts.