
I went to Bush’s 2001 inauguration (I was in town visiting, had a friend with tickets, thought it’d be a cool feather in my cap-was not a Bush supporter). The train was full at 6 am, got to D.C. from College Place at 9, we were ushered around the Capital in waves until 11, when we finally got in. We didn’t have great

You know Obama is cheering it all on from Palm Springs:)

My husband bailed too. He did a night out with the boys (after promising he was just stopping by for 1 drink), and is currently still snoring.

As much as I agree with the top post, we have to welcome all those who have decided to join the anti-Trump train.

Most are also very old. We will have to tell REALLY LOUD.

I am a sassy aunt. My nieces like me more than their straight laced mom (my younger sister).

Uh em, it’s

Sort to thread highjack, but here in Seattle, Milo Y (I do not care to google his last name’s spelling) is going to speak at UW. I’m pretty sure it’s to troll as we were expected to have one of the largest protest marches. He’s over an hour late, and it’s beginning to melt down over there. I think after what happened

She’s got fragile hair full of extensions. If she colors it too much, it will all fall out. She did not inherit her momma’s hair.

She was picking at her extensions constantly. It was so unbecoming.

Define “great.”

False equivalence. You have no proof that Trump won’t bomb either.


I agree with the dementia, which is exaccebating his personality disorder. His limited vocabulary and his temper seem like flags. He spoke better and more reasoned even 7 years ago.

I called it yesterday. The mentally ill; whether it’s a personality disorder, anxiety, mood disorder, are predictable. Their brains crave predictability, and those habits often feed their illness. Combine that with Trump’s age, and his new job is about to destroy him.

Do you think this even happened?

I was trying to explain this to a friend a bit ago. Its all one big horrible, white man/boy gobby mess.

Every SINGLE FLOTUS of my lifetime has/had a real career, was intelligent, and worked to improve society. All worked to improve the lives of kids; literacy, healthcare, DARE, school lunches.

I went to a highly regarded graduate school for psychology.

Trump’s tweet: