Mine was always more men. Occasionally a toddler and mom, sometimes and older lady or two, but always more men.
Or kill. There’s a big case going on in Fort Hall, ID right now about protecting womens rights and all the unprosecuted death in the Sho-Ban res.
I said vocal, I didn’t say believe
It’s not what your saying, it’s that the Christian Right soldiers believe they have more numbers on their side. Seeing the vast numbers who disagree could be very humbling. No one is expecting minds to be changed.
On one hand, I agree with you. Trump and the far right Republicans that have accepted their role as his puppet-masters are the biggest threat to freedom ever in the US. We need to make more pussyhats and stand together against his shit.
All 6 of them will be accompanied by their husbands. You gotta protect those frail minds from that crazy feminism talk.
Well, they will be way to spot in the crowd of women. With few exceptions the most vocal anti abortionist (and anti women’s rights) activists are men.
I was explaining to my husband that in the 1930's, when facism started to rise, it was the entertainment industry who was the most vocal against it. And the US got some of its greatest directors and actors of the era from escapees of Germany and Italy. And it was their movies which helped propel the anti fascism…
Agreed. Too many words and emotions. Plus, the subject of her movies is rarely white men.
She’s just one bleach job away from being bald, so I can see this being true. Unlike with other angry white supremacists, I have avoided googling her because I just can’t with her ignorance.
OMG, he and Scott Baio should just have D list babies with Trump.
Tomi was autocorrected and so was bullies.
God, Toni is the epitome of the snowflakes she so bemoans. Let’s not talk about uniting the country against bullying tactics, let’s go out and protect the bulies!
Oh, it’s epic. “She should just stick to movies rather than slandering Her Furer,” “I will never watch her movies again!” “That was fake news that the DNC, as per the Russian (not Russian??) leaked emails. They talked about doctoring the footage!”
What exactly is dragging on? If it’s the election results you’re bitching about, the Russian hacks are just tangentially related to such. No one is arguing that the hacks invalidate Trump’s status, just that it brings into question Trump’s continued motives for defending Russia.
Ugh. The Bush administration cherry picked intelligence information to fit with their narrative, because, like your man Trump, Bush liked to skip out on intelligence meetings. Info on WMD did not come from the FBI or CIA. Also, this was known to some degree in 2001, and conservative voters (who now are demanding…
It was a non story in which right wing propaganda websites used misleading information to talk about Clinton. Quit changing the topic to make a point that isn’t there.
Exactly. Don’t forget how Wikileaks released the emails either, often with misleading headlines that exaggerated a none story.
Exactly. I refuse to do anything that ever gives that man more money.