
And have no life except for the one his mom picked out for him.

Truth. In an attempt to vilify Carter, Reagan and his Nixon leftover cronies decided to make the US fear the one thing that used to make them great. But I would argue we are still suffering from Nixon’s wrath of being forced to resign.

They’re considered investments in AZ. Half the legislature there is on the board of some charter or another.

She’s very famously a helicopter mom, and forces her regimented lifestyle on her kids. Madonna is the worst kind of mom, the kind who sees her children as extensions of herself rather than as independent people.

Like Voldemort!!!!

But Trump openly prefers his jet. I doubt he’ll take Air Force one unless forced.

Does it open the chances for an assassination?

She did. There are multiple school in Africa that she fully funds (we will ignore the problems at said schools for a moment). She gives away large chunk of money to various charities all over the US.

I’m hoping that will turn off baby boomers, who grew up fearing Russia.

Me too! I went off..if Trump supporters voted for him for “not racism” which one of his policies made him better than Hillary? Replies ranged from vague mentions of jobs (which is rooted in racism against Mexicans and the Chinese), to Trump holding Christian values (???!!!!!), and they thought Hillary had killed 2-14

I keep in getting, “I voted for him for jobs,” followed by being called a bigot and told the rest of the shit r/the_donald keeps preaching to its supporters.

All my 3rd party friends are the same. But they’ve gone out and protested!

^^^ is why I am so massively pissed at my so called moderate friends who keep posting, “stop calling the conservatives who voted for Trump racists!” Trump keeps harping on about his wall as it was the number one change his voters wanted to see happen.

Or paid for by the DNC to undermine the legitimacy of the Trump electorate.

He is, if I remember, to keep the sanctity of the office unless he’s on vacation or doing official business. And the Trump tower is going to be a super shitty place for those rich fucks who still live there due to all the secret service and surveillance. 

And he refused any other plane than his jet.

It gives me hope that if such does happen, the people will call for a new election rather than deal with Pence.

He was always late to his rallies, now he can’t be. He can’t just dismiss someone because they annoy him. He can’t talk about the hot women and go to his precious pageants. He has to constantly deal with people who don’t like him. He can’t constantly lie off the cuff without it causing a world war. He can’t keep

You think he’s going to try get out of living in the White House or using Air Force one? He’s notorious for flying back to NYC no matter what, and he loooves his jet.

My day too. And posts from people denouncing the “crazy”from the left.