Time Sandwich

When you’re older, I’ll explain.

I’d offer to buy you a copy, too, but that would be ridiculous.

I'm ok with racist white murricans being stuck with what they hate.

I'd rather it be abundantly clear who the racists are so that they can be shamed/hunted out of existence.

Link cries at the very beginning of Ocarina of Time, in his bed, because he's the only one without a fairy :( I guess he's just a whiny teen. Gotta love him though...

Now playing

I've never actually seen Kill la Kill, but I have seen its cosplay. It's a show about skin, suspenders and a giant sword, right?

lol the glasses

sounds like

Well, obviously she's hoarding them all, or we'd get two or three.

Man, 10 years ago. I remember quitting my shitty job at Target, walking in with four years worth of saved up vacation wages that I was never allowed to take, and dropping it on three DS's and three copies of every launch game (even ping pals, what was I thinking?)