
Begs to ask a bigger question. If, for example, one were to have scientific evidence of something hugely unpopular, or as in this case deemed to be extremely racist, would anyone allow it to become public? Would findings be immediately dismissed without review? Would any reputable scientist put their name on these

Yeah, I can totally see this now... people shoot at predator and it only makes him angry, then someone out of the crowd tosses a snowball right in predator’s face. He turns around “screw this, I’m leaving” and walks back to his ship, never to be seen again.

Who cares... most providers throttle your connection after what... 2-4GB?

Amen! And those that bomb hospitals/weddings, invade countries after UN told them not to, those that air drop weapons to ISIS, and those that keep financing armed uprising in countries that used to be peaceful! Oh wait....