
I wish.

I am a big horror fan, and I was extremely excited to see The Witch because of all of the wonderful reviews…but I was very disappointed in this movie. I did not find it tension filled at all and aside from seeing what possibly could have happened to the infant, I did not find the movie scary in the first hour or so.

Ok, the UTU2TM five women of Sex and the City cracked me up:
Bonobos, Adam Claytwothousandpounds, Larry Mullin Senior's Son, Thedge, and New York City.

Curse you!!!

I guess host Adam Scott with muuuuuuuuuuuuuusical guest U2 will have to wait till next season….

All time great episode of I4H, Tom Leykis in the best ep of WSGLL (and also one of my favorite podcast episode of anything), and a brand new UTU2TM with a fuckin college girl…Just a fantastic week of Earwolf podcasts! So good that I can't even talk about this morning's C+ Comedy Bang Bang!

She did this Charac on a recent episode of I4H. Just brilliant stuff!

Shirtless, dual swords, unexpected sword blade catch…

I'm not a rock fan at all, but Raised by Wolves is fuckin dope.

It's not good form me. Ha ha ha ha ha.

I'd say it was the greatest ep of Great Bits.

I think the real question is: When did Paul F. Tompkins first hear about U2?

@avclub-6d6285f92ba0ef734664f38cad2ee091:disqus Yeah, he was Terrible.  Like he was in the band Terrible.

You mean like the band Garbage? Or like how Steve Albini was in garbage,not the band Garbage?