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    I thought he lost most of his arm but it was cauterised because laser.

    He's not trolling, he has a different opinion to you. I enjoy Whedon's writing generally, but in this film I felt a lot of it was clunky. SPOILERS Black Widow picking up Cap's shield and saying "I'm always picking up after you boys" is one example of many dreadful lines that feel like they came out of the 80s He-Man

    No it's not, they changed his origin plus all the actors (and don't the public talk as if they've never heard of Hulk before whereas he'd already been out in public in the Lee film?).

    Ok, so what they did worked for you, that's great. It didn't work for me, and I can't see any reason why they would not put it on the UK Amazon Instant Video. It's mildly irritating.

    "…people living in over 126 countries will be able to watch the episode through…Amazon Instant Video…" We got locked out of watching it on Amazon, is what I meant. I don't have Sky or Virgin, so they aren't of help to me.
    Fox aren't obliged to make it easy for me to see their free preview, of course; it's just another

    Ohhh, so you knew you were ripping *someone* off, just not that you were ripping off the article you were commenting on!

    *checks Amazon Prime and Netflix in the UK* nope, guess we got locked out again, big fucking surprise.

    Affleck or Cole?

    SPOILERS again, AVClub. I know the film's been out for a while, but do you really have to put it out on front street like that?

    The Cap movies had serious flaws and Thor 2 was dreadful, so this is pretty disappointing. Definitely a come down from Whedon.

    That's a good response to "don't be a pussy and press charges or sue someone for punching you": what if that someone wants to become a cop?

    I wish this interview had focussed more on memorabilia, seeing as that's supposedly Kirk's area of professional knowledge rather than the genre as a whole - you probably could have got more insight and trivia by interviewing a typical AVClub commenter, especially as McCown is doing half the work here.
    It sweetly

    If this happens *and* AVClub stops putting spoilers in their TV Club article titles/header pics, the internet might be safe for me again!

    Seems like your point is that one shouldn't press charges or sue if they get punched in the face, which I disagree with. If the system can't handle punishing people for physical assault, we need to fix the system, not just give up and let the people get away with it.

    Sorry, I disagree. If someone punches me in the face, I'm pressing charges. Fuck that, we're supposed to live in a civilised society, I don't get to punch people without getting arrested so neither should my hypothetical assailant. Maybe if I don't he'll go punch someone else and accidentally kill them.
    The suing vs

    Yeah, everyone should just be allowed to physically assault each other with no repercussions!
    I don't understand why he's suing when no charges were pressed, though.

    I didn't like the first one that much, and liked the second one even less. I thought the last one was the least bad, so I guess I'd say yes!


    Unless that was in their list of Hobbit films by Peter Jackson, they shouldn't be allowed to do lists any more.

    Yeah, I'm only surprised Disney haven't already done this. They've got to be aware how much money they could make with relatively very little work.