Real talk: Riverdale is such trash. But it’s awesome trash. It’s the empty carbs of melodramatic TV. I just can’t quit it. My sister and I watch it together and we have a great time. It’s pulling incredibly deeply from the soap opera trope pool now.
Real talk: Riverdale is such trash. But it’s awesome trash. It’s the empty carbs of melodramatic TV. I just can’t quit it. My sister and I watch it together and we have a great time. It’s pulling incredibly deeply from the soap opera trope pool now.
According to the Hyperkin Facebook page, they wanted to swap the D-pad and left stick -- they were even thinking of leaving the triggers off and only including the bumpers — but Microsoft wouldn’t let them because it’s an officially liscensed product.
It’s pretty clear that Hyperkin’s original plans for this controller…
They call him Tee-dus in the original trailers for Final Fantasy X as well — in fact, I can remember the exact narration: “Tee-dus. Yuna. Joining forces to combat Sin.” — so it always surprises me that people call him Tai-dus.
Literally the only place I’ve ever heard it pronounced Tai-dus was in a single cut scene in…
Tee-dus is how it’s pronounced in all the promotional material leading up to the release of Final Fantasy X -- I’ve still got the soundtrack for The Spirits Witin, which has a hidden trailer for the game encoded onto it if you put it in a computer -- so that’s how I’ve always pronounced it.
I have neither the time nor inclination to wait 120 hours for a game to git gud.
I’ve been playing the Final Fantasy series since 1995. So obviously, I’ll be buying Persona 5 first and foremost.
Persona 3 FES and Persona 4 are two of the best JRPGs ever made, and they absolutely slaughter anything Square Enix has produced since Final Fantasy X.
I enjoyed Episode Duscae, but if it comes down to a choice between Final Fantasy XV and Persona 5, it’s Persona 5 by a mile.
Although I own a Vita, I’m currently playing the updated Steam version of this game (as I’ve heard the localization is better than the PSP version, the actual Vita version has yet to be released in America, and the PS3 version was never released either). I’m really enjoying it, and the battle music really does stick…