
What utter bullshit. I see this revisionist history being spewed by Fox viewers all over the internet. So yeah, sure you’re a lefty. Or are you one of those Assad and Putin are saving Syria lefties?

My sister hates living there. It got so bad she pulled her kids out of school and is now homeschooling them. If she could move she would.

If only these teenagers were fetuses. Then the GOP would be fawning over how precious they are, and how they need to be protected at all costs.

From what you see on twitter you’d assume it was the smallest law enforcement agency in the U.S. instead of the largest. But they’ll believe anything to protect trump and their guns.

I’ve never heard that before. Wouldn’t put it past them.

4chan and all the other trump supporting basement dwellers are going to come after these kids. I hope they and their parents are prepared.

You know she’s going to get attacked severely for this. She is incredibly brave.

It was only a matter of time before the toddler in chief tweeted this crap. I’ve seen people using this more and more. I’m assuming they all got it from Fox. You provide facts, like Obama trying to get congress to do something after Sandy Hook and they have no response. Fox viewers are the most ill informed hateful

And that is exactly why Tambor is doing this. So people like you will think he’s being railroaded. If that were really the case he’d sue them for wrongful termination. But, as with all the rest who insist they’ve done nothing wrong he isn’t doing that. Why? Because he doesn’t have a leg to stand on. Amazon doesn’t

Hey little guy, I get it. You’re a moron. And everyone reading the comments knows it now. Congrats on that. Crawl back into your hole, wrap your arms around your knees, and continue rocking telling yourself over and over again how bad ass you are.

Pretty much how I’ve been feeling.

I was trying to be nice, but what the hell ever man. If you don’t want people to discuss then don’t comment. Simple.

I’m calling his statement a load of crap meant to garner sympathy for poor Tambor the latest victim of the metoo movement. I wasn’t implying that you personally believed it.

He sounds clueless. He’s an actor, he isn’t clueless at all.

Right. That’s a load of crap. There is no way Amazon wouldn’t have talked to him while investigating the allegations. This reminds me of the Garrison Keillor defense. He said he accidentally touched a woman’s bare back and everyone believed him immediately, and used his case as metoo gone too far. Then the truth came

It’s about keeping Americans at each other’s throats. And it’s working well.

That way they can militarize children. Create an army of drones that will grow up and join trump’s gestapo. ICE.

I don’t think this person is french, but he sure loves the sexual myths propagated about the country.